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Age UK Kensington & Chelsea
Age UK Kensington & Chelsea is a local charity working with and for older people. We aim to promote independence and well-being in later life, encouraging self-help and peer support. We offer a wide range of services and activities, and provide interesting opportunities for people of all ages to get involved as volunteers.

Help someone to keep active in their own home by volunteering to deliver a series of chair based exercises and/or walking support. Help us to help an older person to stay active by improving their strength mobility and confidence.


The volunteer will visit an older person on a weekly basis (this is a 10 week programme) for 1-2 hours at the time. Whilst there the volunteer will deliver some chair exercises and also provide support and conversation. They may also incorporate a short walk in the community as part of the programme.

Who will the volunteers be working with?
Older population.
There will be the initial Age UK Induction as well as some e-learning (safeguarding, health & safety etc). We also run a workshop to show volunteers the exercises they will be doing with their client.

Time commitment

The exercise at home programme is for 12 weeks and the commitment is weekly for 60 - 90 mins. If there is a week or two when you are unavailable then we can work around this. The idea is continuity so that the exercise or walking can have the best outcomes.


This organisation is one of our community partner organisations.

Like all volunteer recruiters we work with, they have signed up to our service standards, agreeing to abide by our policy on partnership working to keep you safe and supported whilst you volunteer.

You’ll never be out of pocket for volunteering through us – with in-London travel expenses to and from your volunteering guaranteed.

In addition, the team here at Students’ Union UCL Volunteering Service is here to support you throughout your volunteering journey – you can get in touch with us at any time.