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You’ll need to be logged in to the website using your UCL credentials to make best use of our site. If you’re interested in a role, press ‘register interest’. You’ll then be able to see information about how to apply and it’ll be up to you whether or not to take things forward.

If you notice that information is missing from specific opportunities, or you’d like any support in finding the right volunteering opportunity, please drop us a line at
    Volunteer with the British Red Cross
    British Red Cross
    Volunteering with the British Red Cross is your chance to make a real noticeable difference in your local…
    Regular Reports of Human Rights Violations from Iran, India and China
    Human Rights Solidarity
    We are preparing monthly or bimonthly reports on some of the most pressing human rights issues of the countries of…
    Digital communication volunteer
    Children of the Mekong
    Children of the Mekong (COTM) is the UK branch of Enfants du Mékong (EDM), a leading French charity founded in 1958 with the…
    Communications Volunteer
    The Karen Hilltribes Trust
    Volunteers are central to the KHT ethos. Many volunteers have travelled to Mae Hong Son in the past years to help build…
    Communication & Awareness Raising Volunteer
    The Karen Hilltribes Trust
    Volunteers are central to the KHT ethos. Many volunteers have travelled to Mae Hong Son in the past years to help build…
    Content Creator
    Human Rights Solidarity
    ​​​​​​This role is great for anyone looking to gain experience in social media and creative graphic design. It is a …
    Youth Club Volunteer
    Dost Centre for Young Refugees and Migrants
    To provide support / assistance in the day to day operation of Dost Youth Programme.   To undertake face to face…
    Trusts & Foundations Officer
    Children of the Mekong