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TeamUCL Takeover 2023 is THE place to find out about all things sport at UCL...

The TeamUCL Takeover is our clubs' opportunity to showcase the work they do throughout the year and demonstrate why joining their membership is something you should consider during your time at UCL.

We are delighted to be joined by over 60 of our 75 sports clubs for the Takeover; to have colleagues from both Bloomsbury Fitness and Project Active; and to have information on our TeamUCL Leagues available for you to find out more on all forms of sport that are delivered as part of TeamUCL. We will also have performances on the Main Quad stage throughout the day and in the evening, there's the opportunity to attend a Project Active Class and a few clubs will be hosting taster sessions in the Main Quad Marquee.

Who's here and where can I find them?

The best way to get the most out of today's Takeover is to start by entering the Main Quad Marquee. There is a strict one-way route through this and it will lead you past 36 of our clubs who are there to tell you all about what they get up to and answer any questions you may have.

After this, you want to head to the Main Quad Gazebos, here you'll find 8 more of our clubs who will be able to highlight the benefits of their sports and why joining their club is a good idea.

Finally, your route will take you straight through North Cloisters onto the Wilkins Terrace (after 11:30am) where you will find another 20 TeamUCL Clubs, our Project Active & TeamUCL League Stalls AND the Bloomsbury Fitness Games where you will have the chance to win prizes and make your own smoothie using the Project Active Smoothie Bike!

Map of Main Quad with the three key areas highlighted.

Check out the details below to find out which Clubs are here today and where you can find them!

Main Quad Marquee:

Aikido ClubCricket ClubHiking ClubKendo ClubOrienteering ClubTable Tennis Club
Amateur Boxing ClubCricket Club (Women's)Hockey Club (Women's)Lacrosse ClubPole Fitness ClubTaekwondo Club
Badminton ClubDodgeball ClubIce ClubLacrosse Club (Men's)Rugby Club (Men's)Volleyball Club
Basketball Club (Men's)Fencing ClubJitsu ClubMixed Martial Arts ClubRugby Club (Women's)Yoga & Meditation Club
Basketball Club (Women's)Football Club (Men's)Judo ClubMuay Thai ClubSkate ClubHockey Club (Men's)
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ClubFootball Red StarKarate ClubNetball ClubSquash ClubGliding Club

Main Quad Gazebos:

Boat ClubCheerleading ClubParkour ClubSurf Club
Calisthenics ClubCycling ClubSnowsports ClubTennis Club

Wilkins Terrace (opens at 11:30am):

American Football ClubFootball Club (RUMS Women's)Running, Athletics & Cross-Country ClubGolf Club
Badminton Club (RUMS)Gymnastics ClubSailing ClubPure Krav Maga Club
Barbell ClubHandball ClubSwimming Club
Climbing & Mountaineering ClubHockey Club (RUMS Women's)Tennis Club (RUMS)
Cricket Club (RUMS)Horse Riding ClubUltimate Frisbee Club
Football Club (RUMS Men's)Rugby Club (RUMS Men's)Water Polo Club

Help us name our Mascot!

Think you've got the best name for our new mascot? You can let us know by filling in the suggestion box on the TeamUCL Leagues Instagram stories today! Whilst you're here, why not give our accounts a follow to keep up-to-date with the latest news on Sport at UCL...

Looking for more information?

If you need any further information about any of our clubs, Bloomsbury Fitness, Project Active or the TeamUCL Leagues, you can follow the links below...