"It was really rewarding to see that people care about women's football..."
Lily and Emilia are the Project Leaders for the Girls Can Kick SLP, part of the UCL Women's Football Clu
Apply Now! Nightline June Social Hackathon is Here!
 Apply here!
"I wanted to be a project leader because I really felt connected to what Project Impactive is all about ..."
We had a lovely chat with Kimberley, who is in her third year of Biomedical Engineering studies, and she has been co-leading the SLP Project Impactive.
"I made so many new connections and I would say maybe even friends ..."
Olga is a second year Data Science student; she is also a Project Leader for the UCL Leaders Conference SLP, part of the
"I wanted to lead this specific project because I myself come from a widening participation background"
Niamh is the Project Leader for the iNUGS Widening Participation Scheme project, part of UCL’s
Sustainability and Volunteering: Islington
Sustainability plays a key role in the development of communities, and volunteering is a vital way through which social and environmental sustainability goals can be achieved.
"It feels like it is something that will effect change in people’s lives."
We sat down with George Way, a MSc Globalisation and Latin American Development student, to chat about his volunteering experience with Aspierations.
Sustainability and Volunteering: Kensington and Chelsea
UCL students volunteer their time with organisations across London, helping to contribute to the sustainability of local communities.
"There was collaboration, teamwork, and just exposure to a lot of different viewpoints."
"It opened my eyes to the different foundations and organisations that exist out there."
"It’s not just purely work – you also build relationships as well."
Social Hackathon February 2023
During Reading Week of Term 2, UCL students joined four of the Volunteering Service’s partner organisations for our second Social Hackathon of the 2022-23 Academic Year.
"I was quite impressed by the relationship formed between the volunteers and the young people"
We had a chat with UCL alumni Trista, who was a Project Leader for the SLP Arts for Mental Health while she studied a BA in Education Studies.
"It feels like you're not just giving all the time, but you're also getting a lot of back."
I saw how such a simple thing -doing origami- had such a positive impact
Ahad did a BSc in paediatrics and child health and is now in his 5th year of medical school.
"... it's all about teamwork in engineering"
Rachel is a second-year biomedical engineering student at UCL, a few months ago we had a lovely chat with her about her role as a Project Leader for the student-led project Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Outreach
UELxSU UCL Social Hackathon March
 Apply here!
Sustainability and Volunteering: Hackney
Volunteering plays a vital role in the sustainability of London’s communities. Each year, over 2000 UCL students volunteer throughout the community with the help of the UCL Volunteering Service, which connects students to over 400 partner organisations across London.
Student Volunteering Week 2023
This week is Student Volunteering Week 2023! This year marks the 22nd annual Student Volunteering Week, which aims to celebrate and encourage the impact of students in the civic sector across the UK.
Sustainability and Volunteering: Camden
UCL students volunteer with organisations all over London, playing a vital role in the sustainability of London's communities. Since the UCL Volunteering Service was established in 2002, thousands of UCL students have been able to connect with the local community through volunteering.