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What would you like the Union to do?

The union should provide a cheap, fairly healthy meal in at least one of the cafes. Previously you could get cheap pasta so they should bring this back for a start. If there isn't money for this put pressure on UCL to subsidise it. The union should also campaign for UCL to provide subsidised cheap meals (under £3 and a full portion of a hot meal) in the refectory. It costs barely anything to make soup, pasta, jacket potato, and daal, so this is likely doable without subsides anyway, just serve the food at cost.

Why would you like to do this?

Universities should provide food for students not to profit, but because they should look after them and take responsibility. Also, we're already paying 9 grand at least, so a cheap meal isn't much to ask for.

How will this affect students?

This will help students physically, mentally and socially. Firstly, these meals should be healthy and satiating to help students' diets (which can be quite inconsistent). Eating well is key to concentration, happiness and more. Also, it would provide something for students to do together, a communal meal, which is important across many cultures. Please, do better and encourage UCL to do better.