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Tickets for all club/society events should be sold through the online Union Shop

Please note - Eventbrite can be used to sell tickets but only for free events (although this website can do free tickets too!).

Step 1

Make final decisions on all the details of your event. You will need to know:

  • The date
  • The time
  • The dress code
  • The venue – make sure any rooms or bars provided by the college or Union are definitely organised, and if you are using an external venue check out our guide on how to book an external venue.
  • The price of the tickets - will different people have different prices? You can set different prices for UCL Students, concessions, Members of your club or society and external attendees
  • How you are going to sell the tickets; online? At Reception? On the door?
  • How you are going to publicise your event?
  • Who is allowed to come to the event – Members only? Alumni? Members of the public?                                                                                                                                      

Step 2

Draw up a budget for your event using the Activity Registration Form. Once your budget is ready and the details of your event are decided upon, submit the form before the deadline (at least two weeks in advance). It is acceptable to send in ticket requests at the same time as your Activity Registration Form.

You should also check if you need to submit a Risk Assessment for the event, anything that is not included in your Annual Risk Assessment will need to have a new one created.

Once this is submitted, you will need to wait for it to be approved before you do anything else. This can take up to a 10 working days.

Step 3

Once your Activity Registration Form has been approved, you are ready to start selling your tickets and start spending money to organise your event.

You should complete a Ticket Request Form as far in advance of your event as possible (at minimum this should be 2 weeks before your event so that your tickets can be ordered / put on sale online.).

Step 4

Begin selling your tickets and organising your event you should make sure that you have enough funding in your accounts to purchase anything you require for the running of the event – remember your accounts can’t go into deficit, so you will need the cash in order to spend it!

If your tickets are being sold via the Reception or the online shop then the money is banked into your account automatically, but if your committee members are selling them then make sure you read the How to access my Club or Society Account guide to make sure that all the money is banked properly.

Step 5

It's time to hold the event, so make sure that you have everything approved by the Union, and your committee members are fully briefed on anything they need to know (For example, how to bank money into the club/society Account).

If you have any questions or queries, or are holding a larger scale event that needs more than two weeks to organise please contact for further support and guidance.

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