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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed



Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run18 Mar 2022
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running6
Available position1
Total ballots1606
Valid votes1606
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Nowsha Farha [7851]121.00
Suhaila Adan [8286]598.00
Viktoria Makai [8911]497.00
Thenmozhi Elango [9814]141.00
Fanyin Meng [10039]193.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)56.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 803.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Nowsha Farha [7851]122.00
Suhaila Adan [8286]599.00
Viktoria Makai [8911]500.00
Thenmozhi Elango [9814]141.00
Fanyin Meng [10039]193.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 777.50. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 3
Nowsha Farha [7851]0.00
Suhaila Adan [8286]708.00
Viktoria Makai [8911]631.00
Thenmozhi Elango [9814]0.00
Fanyin Meng [10039]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Nowsha Farha [7851], Thenmozhi Elango [9814], and Fanyin Meng [10039]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 669.50. Candidate Suhaila Adan [8286] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Suhaila Adan [8286].


Viktoria Makai
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  • Self-certification for ECs to remain
  • PGTA Code of Practice to be followed by all
  • Better pay for PGTAs
  • Scrap PG application fees
  • More study spaces for students with caring responsibilities
  • More understanding from supervisors for students with caring responsibilities or mental health issues
  • No discrepancy between the quality of feedback
  • Face to face core teaching for all with the choice to remain remote
  • Scan & send, lecture recordings and more e-books to remain available
  • Refund due to strikes
  • More PG events
  • January graduations
  • Transition mentors for PG students
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As PG Sabbatical Officer, 2021-22

  • Created a sustainability shop - the Hanger Marketplace
  • Organised weekly PG events - Wine&Cheese, Tea&Cakes, Coffee & Catch-up, etc.
  • Ensured that Self-certification for ECs and digital access to all library resources continued
  • Convinced the Doctoral School to benchmark PGTA pay
  • Increased funding for CRIS to extend to PGR students providing more opportunities to work with organisations outside of academia
  • Secured child-friendly study spaces and bursaries from September 2022
  • Supported rewrite of self-plagiarism policy
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

During my seven years at UCL, I contributed to enhancing the student experience in a variety of roles:

  • PG Sabbatical Officer, 2021-22
  • PG Faculty rep for CPA, 2020-21
  • Academic Rep 2015-21
  • Resident Advisor, 2017-22

My feedback from all staff at UCL and the SU was that I always find a way to bring PG issues forward in any meeting. I have been honest and direct with my feedback and I always followed up on any promises that were made to me until they were executed.

I intend to continue this.

I will get things done. And I will continue to fight for your interests.

Thenmozhi Elango
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  •  Reduce student union club membership fee for all postgrads
  •  Organize daily meetups for all Postgrads for Networking with industry experts
  •  Increased salaried for PGTA 
  •  More carrier guidance for all PG students
  •  Increase funding opportunities for all PhD students


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Undergraduate Coordinator, Anna University, India (2015-2016)

- Represented Undergrads to bring in all students together from different departments to increase collaboration

Student Researcher, University of Vienna, Austria (2020-2021)

- Worked to increase research experience for students

I will aim to bring in more experts from industry and give the career guidance that is needed and ensure that postgrad students have more opportunities than what is available to them currently



Please summarise why students should vote for you.

The previous roles helped understand the importance and need for networking and socializing that is vital for all Postgraduate students. One of the biggest challenges Postgrads face is funding opportunities be it home or international students. Ensure that all postgrad students are given the maximum funding as much as possible to relieve the stress of finance. 

With determination, I will make sure all postgrad students make the best out of what UCL and London has to offer!

Fanyin Meng
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Ensure that the alternating online and offline teaching schedule is clear and help students to update their timetable with links to the latest online courses. Encourage the use of the forum for asking questions of professors so that responses can be shared to avoid repetitive discussions. Encourage the use of the forum for asking questions of professors so that responses can be shared to avoid repetitive discussions. More details here. link:

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am a member of the UCL fencing club; I am very interested in society activities.Having published several SCI articles,I have a keen awareness of the difficulties in publishing, such as strict formatting requirements and constant revisions according to the review team. I would like to invite experienced experts to host experience-sharing seminars or Q&A events related to publishing, lab research or PhD applications.

Languages: English and Mandarin.  Computer skills: Java, Python, MATLAB, SPSS, InShot and Microsoft Office.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

a. I believe my profile matches well with the requirements of this position.

b. I will complete all tasks carefully and in a timely manner, be an efficient problem-solver, keep an open and creative mindset.

c. I will provide practical assistance.

d. I am a keen communicator and will always be there when you need me and effectively liaison with other departments.

I really look forward to seeing myself take on this role. I wish that vote for me, and I will do my best to live up to your expectations.

Suhaila Adan
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I want postgraduate students to make the most out of their time at UCL. Here is my plan:

  • Prioritising face-to-face classes. Especially for short postgraduate courses.
  • Create More Work Experience Opportunities. By partnering with faculty representatives and advertising positions to the wider postgraduate community.
  • Holistic Experience. Through hosting faculty themed lectures and student socials.
  • Capacity Building. Create accessible resources on personal statements and postgraduate applications.
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Reliable: I am a goal-oriented individual, reflected in the awards I received during my undergraduate. I was awarded ‘The Best Clinician Award’ due to my due diligence, taking the initiative, and going above and beyond.

Easily approachable: I always make myself available in developing my community. I carried out multiple women empowerment workshop programs in rural areas in Kenya. I encouraged women’s professional and personal development through computer literacy skills.

Strong negotiation skills: I can express student needs while balancing UCLs interests.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Being a postgraduate and international student myself, I struggled to adapt to this new environment and culture, and I know that this isn’t an experience I alone share. We are also removed from the student body and don't have as much of a fulfilling student experience compared to undergraduates.

Now more than ever, with the students facing many issues as a result of Covid, you need a proactive, engaged and passionate postgraduate officer to create a unified postgraduate body


Nowsha Farha
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Fully support all postgraduate students through:


  • Paid Teaching and other part-time jobs during studies
  • Successful graduate job hunting


  • Financial support (funding)
  • Fix tuition fees; scrap application fees


  • Transition Mentor and Study Buddies Scheme
  • Faster EC process and longer extensions
  • Access to digital resources
  • Relevant mental health support


  • Clubs and Societies’ Committee position
  • Networking opportunities
  • Regular social events
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am currently in my 4th academic year at UCL. Upon completing my BSc degree from UCL last year I am pursuing a postgraduate degree in MSc Social Policy and Social Research. Until now, I have held various Committee roles and positions at UCL Clubs and Societies, Part-Time SU Officer position, NUS Delegate, Project Leader, Ambassadorial roles among my other contributions. I am very familiar with the fees and funding structure, job market conditions, EC procedure, academic and wellbeing related issues as well as the right approach to inclusive participation and engagement for PG students.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

If I get elected, my foremost priority will be to listen to all the postgraduate students and work together towards promoting pragmatic changes. I will prioritize your voice, opinion and empower you through my platform. I will make sure all PG students have access to useful, relevant, timely and career-specific guidance tailored towards achieving success in the job market, PGTAs opportunities, support with extensions, reasonable adjustments for all sorts of extenuating circumstances, PG inclusive opportunities in event and Clubs and Societies Committee roles among other effective support.