Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed
Read about what the Officer for Students with Caring Responsibilities is responsible for.
In order to vote for this position you must be a student with caring responsibilities. This includes anyone who cares unpaid, for a friend of family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

I would bring experience from being in the role for the last year, and an enthusiasm to build on this experience. I have two children aged 5 and 2 and can relate to the struggles of juggling a busy study schedule with the extra caring demands at home. It's tough to get that work-life balance, and with caring responsibilities, that essential support and time for yourself as well! I hope I can represent your voice and need for understanding from fellow students for another year.
I hope to continue to be a strong advocate and voice representing all students who also have to consider their caring responsibilities alongside study commitments.
I am friendly, approachable and passionate about the need for representation of those with caring responsibilities on the student union.