Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed
Read about what the International Students' Officer is responsible for.
In order to vote for this position you must be a student whose normal place of residence is outside of the UK.

Fairness, inclusion, respect & appreciation of different cultures. I'm an international student, lived in seven countries-have experience at working with people from all around the world. Made me open minded, accepting & appreciating of different culture
Experiences at UCL:
Transition mentor
MAPs Ambassador to help new students (mainly internationals)
Vice-president Amnesty Society
Represented the student body to many authorities. Taking different roles helped me develop my communication, leadership and team-work skills.
Social: Organise international food fairs, cultural/fashion/talent shows - to showcase different cultures
Academic: Increase bilingual support - translators, mentors, free language classes
Others: Conduct surveys to identify what sort of events you want! Create a respectable community where no one has to be afraid of who they are. Opening help-lines so people can communicate in their language to an expert who can help with bullying/discrimination. End racism/discrimination, by spreading information online, sharing posters/leaflets etc.
I really want to make a positive change for everyone at UCL & make your life as students enjoyable, comfortable, easier
Hardworking, dedicated, a good listener
Really want to help each individual who is struggling to settle in
I believe that our differences as international students, brings us closer and makes us appreciate each other even more
I will create a welcoming, diverse & FAIR community where everyone is included and respected regardless of ethnicity, race, religion etc.
Good communication skills are essential for this role. Every situation that involves interacting with and sharing information with other people requires effective communication skills. As I worked in a charity last year, I fully gained the communication skills by arranging meetings and figuring out the work tasks with other fellow members.
If there’s one thing that all successful officers have in common, it’s strategic thinking skills. Personally, I had some time to practice my strategic thinking in the past, but I believe more practices are needed. It means having the skills to plan for maximising future opportunities and overcoming obstacles for an organisation or a team.
As I am an international student, I will be able to provide more useful helps for those international students who are in trouble.
I helped 40+ foreign students in Portugal to get through their cultural transition. I organised weekly meetings by reaching out to different stakeholders to seek their advice and incorporate with different departments. This experience has given me the necessary experiences to handle this role and to act on it. It developed my interpersonal skills through closely working with students and professors from various ethnicity and social backgrounds. It has prepared me well for contributing to dealing with leadership and working in a diversified team in the UCL student union.
Being the International Student officer at UCL student union, I would like to help with more international students of various ethnicity and social background on behalf of all international students in UCL.
My position as outreach leader in the Eschola Chinesa de Lisboa prepared me for this role. By organising and executing 4 events between Chinese and Portuguese, managing different teams and creating marketing material after the events, I lead a large team of 100+ people and resolving complex issues within the team. It has equipped me with good listening skills and ability to understand the needs of different stakeholders and collaborate with them towards a shared objective, which is a key factor contributing to any team collaboration opportunities in the student union leadership.

Your voice matters, and we will aim to ensure that your voices are heard! Our values find diversity and inclusion at their basis, and we (Kartik and Udaya) aim to foster the representation of international students at UCL. Our collaboration finds its roots in our understanding of each other's work ethics and close observations from our past associations in a working environment. May it be Udaya's ability to successfully run events or Kartik's quality to organize impactful social service campaigns, we provide to you a perfect blend ready to serve the international community at UCL.
Along with other Student Union office bearers, we believe we can bring a significant change, a change for the betterment of the students and the university. We plan on being approachable representatives that bridge the gap between the students and the Students’ Union.
Our policies aim to increase inclusivity, our attention radar will include both current and incoming international students. We wish to organize events such as open days and workshops by the UCLSU network to help current students get insights into work environments in the UK and abroad.
As a team, we aim to achieve all the goals listed above. We wish to do so by having weekly office hours for our fellow international students to come up to us and voice their concerns. May it be creating a robust platform for better representation of international students or the platform that gives better insights into scholarships and work environments to international students, we’ve got your backs! We are hardworking individuals who promise to deliver to our diverse electorate. Together we wish to make UCL a better and happier place for international students.

If selected as international student's officer, i want to make sure our voices are heard and took into consideration as a whole in the decisions of the Student's union. As knowledge development director at impact initiative i learned what it takes to work closely with the student's union. I know what it takes to work with people of all backgrounds, from my experience as secretary general of my high school's UN society, to my positioning as president of my city's environmental society. I believe as such that my skills would be fit for this position.
If elected i want to bring the student's union closer to the international corpus of UCL.
Sometimes being an international student in UCL can feel daunting, as for some being away from their homes and families can feel pressuring, while international fees can put financial pressure on other. As such if elected, i will advocate against rises of international student's fees, and when possible advocate for diminutions of such fees. I will work to continue the current work of the student's union, at making UCL feel like a home to student's of all backgrounds.
I humbly position myself for this role as i believe myself to be close to the international community of UCL.
French and moroccan international student myself, i believe i am close enough to international student's in UCL to position myself as International Student's officer. Studying International Social and Political studies, most of the student's in my department are from international backgrounds, and on the daily most of my friends and workmates are from international backgrounds. Ranging from nationalities of all continents, and of affiliations to most departments.

Our previous experiences in various leadership roles have equipped us with the necessary interpersonal and communication skills to listen, reflect and relay feedback effectively on behalf of students, and to find solutions to implement changes. Coupled with our active presence in societies like ABACUS, golf and squash, we believe that our understanding of the SU will aid in our transition into this role. Our volunteering experiences also mean that we are able to bring a level of care and patience to create a more inclusive environment for international students.
- To promote interactions between cultural societies to create a more united community of international students by improving overall intercultural engagement and understanding.
- To act as a friendly presence around campus to support the mental wellbeing and academic pursuits of international students in their transition to a new environment, such as by organising various meet-ups and study sessions.
- Ensure that the Orientation Programme is kept up to date regarding visas and borders, and that students are well-supported during times of international crisis.
As hardworking yet sociable international students, we are able to speak from experience as to how daunting it could be to move to a completely foreign country for the first time. We are excited about the prospect of meeting other international students and to better understand their needs in order to promote a safe environment for greater intercultural understanding and exchanges at UCL. We hope to act as a friendly presence to aid incoming students in the process of adjusting to life in the UK and are determined to make the London university experience as enjoyable as possible.

I was in the team in the NASA Competition where I needed to solve the problem in a limited time. To prove that I have good leadership skills and responsibility, I was a head of the department during the competition where I needed to arrange the meeting and lead the team. Later, I got chosen to be on the club committee which hosted the competition, and picked the team to represent the school. I also lead weekly group activities involving public speaking practices. I was also a Forum committee which I improved my confidence through the weekly debate.
By being an international student, I understand the difficulty of people who just come to the uk and study. I will give people an opportunity to ask any question, including the term of living, how to get around, etc. I will also come up with several activities to help international students get to know each other. Furthermore, I hope I will be able to know new people and learn how to work as a team. I believe that this role will give me an amazing experience where I will learn a lot of new skills that will benefit me in the future.
Because I'm also an international student, I fully understand the problem in term of living somewhere away from home and the difference in culture. I will try my best to support international students at UCL. From my experiences, I believe that I will work well as a team, with responsibility and good time management. and be able to help the international students. I will also definitely come up with some ideas to make international student feel like here is home.

As an international student at UCL, I know the difficulties that every international student faces starting from adapting to a new culture to making friends and being socially included. My role as a panellist for the student inclusivity champions panel at the UCL Economics department helped me develop a sense of maturity in my views.
A vote for me would be a step closer towards building a strong international community at UCL.
My main concern would be to address the issue of consistent increments to the school fees.This injustice demands a clear breakdown of the cost of school fees and I would impose pressure on the authorities to do so.I will also campaign for increased funding and more scholarships for international students,and increase the number of events to create an international network for them when they arrive.
Secondly,I aim to start a “mentoring scheme” for incoming internationals that will ensure a smooth transition to the new environment and will promote integration and inclusion.
If I am elected as your next International students’ Officer, there are 3 main goals that I want to achieve:
- Build and train a team of international reps who would be in touch with internationals and provide necessary guidance.
- Conduct workshops and distribute leaflets providing important information on housing, art-time work and mental health.
- Campaign for reduction of international tuition fees and increasing the scope for more scholarships.

As an international student myself, I understand the struggles of leaving home and coming into an unknown environment.
Some experience I will draw upon include my role as a welfare officer for UCL WASH society last year. I have attended talks on dealing with mental health through covid and how to signpost for help in an emergency situation. This experience will allow me to better understand different people and how they react under different circumstances, to be open and embracing of everyone.
If elected, I will organise more international school events, which are embracing and open to different cultures. These might include a halal dinner or a diwali celebration, to ensure all students from different backgrounds can feel at home and feel welcomed.
I hope to also strengthen the student union’s ties with the international community, organising events with local communities to help bring the community together.
I feel that my character and my understanding is my strongest suit. I love to meet new people and interact with new cultures, and I would love the opportunity to help represent international students and their voice.

As a past class rep for my two recent schools, I have seen the direct and indirect effects of lack of communication between students and staff and the frustrations it can create on both sides. As an ex-lab assistant, basketball player, gymnast and someone who had operated a fun-raising event, I have become accustomed to presenting myself to an audience and am fully aware of the work required to ensure effective communication and delivery.
Since my first year here, I have noticed first handed that students struggle to fit into the university and are clueless about the possibilities and opportunities our university holds. If my partner and I are elected for the position I will make sure everyone is up to date with what is currently happening with the course and I will be the bridge of information between the students and the department. Plus, I am a very communicative and approachable person so no one will have any problem talking to me about any issue they may have, whether being academic or personal.
I’m quite outspoken so I’m not one to shy away from a complicated conversation. I have experience as a class rep and have always had a good relationship with teaching staff as far as I’m aware so I’m confident that this will continue. Also! I work as a lab assistant for PhD students which means that I often get put in complicated situations where I have to liaise between the professors and students to find the solution that works best for everyone’s interest and I feel this is a skill that takes a while to develop and would be of great use in a situation like this.

I come from an multicultural family ,I have lived in different countries and I believe that I will be able to help new people easily adapt into new environments as I have experience in dealing with different cultural and social backgrounds .
I have not only interacted with other nationalities at school , but participated in international tennis tournaments, gone through competitive sides of the adaptation process. I believe that many of us can experience hard times while interacting with new people as we may be detached from our beloved ones and familiar lifestyles .
Finding a unique approach towards every individual, creating a family like atmosphere, making everybody’s experience at UCL unforgettable is key. The first impression of a new student is what really matters. Each student should be equally welcomed and lead through the process of joining the community . Their positive experience in their initial adaptation will guarantee great future life in the university. Advanced knowledge and numerous events offered by UCL will allow us to fully obtain its benefits as not just an educational institution but a friendly community.
I am a multicultural and a multitasked person . I have experience living in different parts of the world , communicating with various cultures, religions, nationalities. London is the educational capital of the world . It bonds likeminded people, helps ‘new brains’ develop and creates environments for them to create . I am looking forward to seeing every temperament to socialise, find soulmates and simply have their best time . Studying is so much better when you constantly feel happy.My main focus will be psychological stability and internal state of every individual at UCL.