Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed

Hi, my name is Crystel and I’ve been the Marketing Officer for Asiatic Affairs this academic year. It’s been a really wonderful and valuable experience, which is why I’m running again. Social media has become an incredibly influential outreach tool, and I would like to use it to this society’s advantage, with key goals in growing 1) our readership 2) our community. This will be done through the boosting of online engagement, using graphics, polls, Q&As, countdowns and quizzes. By having a stronger media presence, we can attract more people and transfer interest on our online pages to our publication and events. Pleasing aesthetics will remain consistent as it holds the key to how shareable and visually accessible our pages are. I will also continue the connections formed with other societies and work on even more collaborations. Furthermore, I’ve built media experience through my journalism work (, as well as my internship at Zambuni PR, and I believe the skills since acquired are transferrable. This includes attention to detail, being on time and working cooperatively. If given this opportunity, I will continue to maximise the use of our social medias in order to spread the amazing work being published by Asiatic Affairs, and to create a vibrant and interactive community for our members, on as well as offline. Thank you for reading!

Hi! I'm Hiba from Pakistan and I'd love to take on the role of Marketing officer for the next academic year. Although I've always been artistic and idealistic, I've always proven my reliability and dedication through various student leadership positions and was even the president of the Yoga and Meditation Club this year so I am familiar with the nuances of society management.