Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed

Hi all ?
My name is Mai and I’m running for Treasurer (and acting vice president). Here are the reasons why you should vote for me ?:
I’m the current treasurer for the 5th largest sports society at UCL, which means I have vast experience in handling society funds. I know how to fill out the appropriate payment forms and track costs/expenditures using Excel. For said society, I ran and taught taster sessions, demonstrating my organization and leadership skills.
UCLasiansocialnetwork society holds a special place in my heart as it’s where I met some of my closest friends, it provided an environment where I can meet like-minded people who shared the same experiences. I want you to give back to this society, I am confident that I can be a good treasurer as well as vice president.
I have lots of ideas to better the society, these include:
Biweekly welfare socials where we all get together to paint or knit, this will be a place to de-stress and discuss any issues you may have going on
Termly volunteering or charity events to raise money for world causes/ movements
Starting a buddy or parent system for incoming freshers
Designing and producing society merchandise- these include hoodies, pins and stickers

Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie! I am running for the position of Treasurer of Asian Social Network. I thoroughly enjoyed the socials that I attended this year and would love for the opportunity to play a part in the running of the society. As my past leadership experiences have required me to effectively budget, plan events and generate new ideas, I am confident that I will excel as a Treasurer.
As Treasurer, I will focus on three main areas:
The first one would be increasing the number of discounts for restaurants, cafes and karaoke available to ASN members, because who doesn't love discounts and supporting local businesses!
Additionally, I will aim to reduce the prices of events such as outings and parties to ensure that the society is accessible to everyone.
Lastly, I will promote opportunities for members to work and study abroad in a monthly newsletter, as well as collaborate with other societies such as Asia Careers society in terms of talks and job-related events.
Please vote for me as your next ASN Treasurer!

Having been involved in Asian Social Network since its founding, I am extremely invested in ensuring the continuing success of the society, and engaging with our community in more ways than before in the coming year. Having previously been Social Secretary for almost two years, I have a very good understanding of the running of the society and I believe I am extremely well suited to supporting the President in the role of Treasurer/Vice President.