Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed

Hi! I’m Precious and I’m running for Social Secretary for Asian Social Network Society because ASN has been like my home away from home. This academic year, I’ve really enjoyed attending the ASN Society events because I always knew I’d be in a comfortable space, embracing my Asian culture. In particular, I loved the speed socialising and the gingerbread house decorating events because I got the opportunity to meet so many lovely people I might not have met elsewhere. As Social Secretary, I want to make sure that we all have just as amazing of a time during the society events next year, by helping to organise different types of socials and events for the society, with other societies, too. This year, I’ve really enjoyed networking with others who share the same appreciation as I do for Asian culture, and next year I hope to have a bigger role as part of the committee in ensuring a variety of great events continue to be held. In secondary school, I was Form Captain and Deputy House Captain, which really helped me to develop my creativity and organisational skills, as these roles involved planning lots of different charity and house events throughout the year. I love planning events that I know will put a smile on people’s faces - and so I hope to be your Social Secretary next year! :)