Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed

My name is Rishi and I am running for Head of Marketing. Here's everything you need to know about me before voting.
What I have done so far:
- Designed and created many of the Climate Hack.AI Instagram marketing posts (~10% engagement) as well as a promotional video
- Recently managed the Climate Hack.AI Instagram + LinkedIn pages ensuring consistent daily posts, resulting in a noticeable increase in reach
- Been a committee member during my entire time at UCL (almost 2 academic years)
My goal is to make sure that the hard work of our committee is seen, heard and acted upon, so you, as members, can take full advantage of AI society opportunities.
Here’s how I intend to do that:
- Ensure consistency by scheduling social media posts for each week
- Take advantage of social-media analytics to produce engaging content and maximising reach
- Use what I have learnt designing posts to ensure clarity in all marketing content
- Quality-check all marketing content to maintain a high standard
Given what I have done so far, I believe it would make sense to continue with marketing, and transitioning into the role of Head of Marketing would be the best way to ensure I can apply everything I have learnt to improve the society from a marketing perspective, and therefore improving the AI society as a whole. By voting for me, you would help make that happen.