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Gender and Feminism Society (GenFem) is an intersectional and accessible group for people interested in equality, feminist thought, challenging sexism and perceived ideas about gender. We hold discussion panels, socials, speaker events and informal meetings that all are welcome to contribute to. We also attend feminist exhibits and events in London so stay updated on our socials!

  • Visit our instagram @genfemucl, where we post event updates, details and recaps!
  • Visit or write for our blog.

In 2022-23, GenFem won a Gold Society Development Award and was shortlisted for 3 other society awards: Diversity & Inclusion, Charity & Community Impact and Innovation & Development! Now is the time to join, to achieve even greater things at UCL and beyond...

All genders and none welcome, all sexualities and none welcome – we'd love to see you at some of our events!

P.S. The link to the members' WhatsApp group chat will be communicated to members via the weekly newsletter once term starts. Please buy the membership to attend events:)

UCLU Gender and Feminism Society have signed the Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment Pledge.