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We asked you lots of questions last year, from how your morning Gordon’s Café coffee is to how your Academic Rep training was. All of that feedback has helped us plan to make the Union a better place over the summer.


Here are seven things we’re making better this year:


Representative Sabbatical Officers

We want you to know more about what Sabbatical Officers are doing for you, and what you can do to shape their work. They’ll be communicating with you more regularly throughout the year, both online and around campus.


Find a volunteering opportunity

We’re making it easier for you to find volunteering opportunities with our brand new and enhanced Volunteering Directory. It’ll be ready to go from the start of term.


UCL staff and student partnership

Your elected Academic Reps work year-round to take you feedback to UCL staff and make change. We’re working to make their meetings they attend with academics, more action orientated and effective. Delivering more of the things you want from your UCL education. Want to be a rep this year? Nominations close on 7 October.


Utilise your Academic Rep

You’re represented at course and faculty level by elected volunteers. They get your feedback to the right people and help make changes to the way you experience UCL. From what you’re telling us, not everyone knows how important Academic Reps are. Well, we’re changing that. It’ll be easier to find, talk to and meet your Rep, making it easier for them to keep doing good things for students.


Running your club and society

Running your club and society should be easy, but we know that at times this year it’s felt more difficult than it should have. We’re making changes because we know we can do better. We’re putting more Financial Administration staff support in place to make sure you get your running costs paid on time and you know where you stand with your society budget. You’ll soon be able to able to lots of your financial management online and we’ll be publishing our Financial Service Standards, outlining our commitment to providing the service you need.


A brand-new Phineas

We hear good things from you about our cafes, you’re liking our gym more and more, and you really love our pub, the Huntley, and our brand-new bar, the Institute. But Phineas Bar isn’t getting much love these days. So, we’re totally transforming it. It’ll have more seating, a better sound system, a bigger bar and complete make-over to be the kind of place we think you deserve.


Upping your skills

If you’re a student who works for us, we’re going to invest more time into training and developing you. Our new JobShop service doesn’t just help you find part-time, flexible and seasonal work – we can also help you translate the skills you learn on the job into CV gold. 83% of students working for the Union say it’s a good place to work, have a look at our JobShop to see if there are any roles you’re interested in this year.