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We know how stressful it can be, especially if there are mitigating factors that will impact on your performance. Our Advice Service is here to support you through your exams and assessments - they’ve put together some information that may come in handy over the coming term.


Special examination arrangements

It might feel a bit too early to start thinking about exams, but if you might need special exam arrangements you should act now. It may be that you qualify for a special arrangement, for example, if you have a disability, medical or personal problem. 

Special exam arrangements might include the use of a scribe, allocating extra time to sit the exam or allowing you to use a PC. If you think that you’ll need support you should contact Student Disability Services and arrange an appointment to see a Disability Adviser. 

Here are some important things to think about:

  • The deadline for applying for special exam arrangements is 20 March 2019
  • Requests for special exam arrangements must be agreed by a UCL Disability Adviser at least 6 weeks before the main examination period.
  • In some circumstances (such as sudden illness or accidental injury), the University can consider requests which are received at least 7 calendar days prior to the date of the examination. Where requests cannot be submitted in time, students should apply for a deferral to the next normal exam period under the extenuating circumstances procedure. 
  • You’ll need to provide evidence and supporting documentation usually from your medical practitioner, so start thinking about how you’ll get this and how to pay for any fees that may be charged for writing a report.

More information about special exam arrangements.


Extenuating Circumstances

Sometimes, things can happen that are beyond your control and might affect performance at exams or assessment. This could be the death of a close relative, a sudden illness or other emergency issue.

If this happens to you, or there’s even some chance that it might do, it is very important that you inform your department as soon as possible, using the extenuating circumstances procedure. UCL will not allow you to appeal your results after they have been released if the extenuating circumstances are such that you could have informed your department before they were published.

You will need to provide evidence of the emergency. Examples of suitable evidence are in the extenuating circumstances procedure (section 6.7).

For more information take a look at your handbook, speak to your Departmental Tutor and read our full advice guide on extenuating circumstances.

If you have any further questions about the things in this article, feel free to contact the team at the Advice Service to make sure you have all the information you need to apply for special exam arrangements or extenuating circumstances.