Everything you need to know about the General Election Find out more

Taking part in the Leadership Race is easier than changing at Bank. From nominating yourself to casting your vote, here's your simple, step-by-step guide to helping make change happen at UCL.

Nominating yourself

Thinking about putting yourself forward to lead your Union? Just follow the simple steps below.

  • Head to the Leadership Race page and press the ‘Nominate yourself’ button.
  • You'll be asked to select which position you would like to nominate yourself for - don’t forget to check your eligibility, for example, you can't nominate for President of a society if you're not a member.
  • From here you can submit your nomination. You'll need to respond to three questions and you have a limit of 600 characters:
    • What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?
    • What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
    • Please summarise why students should vote for you.
  • Your answers here are considered your manifesto, not sure what a manifesto is? No problem, here is our manifesto training.
  • Looking for some inspiration - check out what your current and past student leaders did whilst they were in office.
You might even get a photoshoot with our Social Media Manager if you become a leader


So you've nominated yourself, and that's great - now it's time to tell people how amazing your ideas are and persuade them to vote for you. One of the best ways to make yourself stand out as a candidate is by running a campaign; you could choose to speak to students in person or organise a social media campaign.

It's important to remember that no campaigning can take place before 07:00 on Thursday 7 March 2024. This includes promoting websites, Facebook groups, in person campaigning or anything else.

Ready to get started? You'll need to make sure your campaign follow our election rules, and attend our candidate briefing on 5 March to ensure your campaign meets our guidelines. If you're unsure of how to run a campaign, you can attend one of our candidate campaigning sessions on 23 February, 1 March or 7 March.

You could even campaign by posing on the UCL letters all day if you wish


You don't need to be a student leader to make change happen at UCL. By voting for candidates that represent your interests you can make sure your voice heard. All members of the Union are eligible to vote in the Leadership Race. You must be eligible to vote for certain positions (eg you have to be a member of a club/society if you want to vote for their President or Treasurer).

Voting is open between 09:00 Monday 11 March and 12:00 Friday 15 March.

This cat is not eligible to vote

What to do if your nomination has been successful

  • Celebrate!!!
  • If you are successfully elected, we will send you an email asking for your contact details and we'll be in touch with the specifics.
  • You will also be invited for training at the start of June depending on your role.