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You can use your personal device to access most UCL services, including your mobile device. 

Note: by and large we recommend using a UCL laptop provided by the Systems team. This is especially true if you handle personal data, e.g. about students or staff. The guide below is for cases where some work needs to be undertaken on a personal device.

Note that UCL has a "Bring your own device" policy that applies to Union staff - see the policy here.

Note as well that the Union supports work-life balance and you should not feel you need to have notifications enabled or be contactable outside the hours agreed with your line manager, except where otherwise agreed based on the nature of your role. Please discuss with your manager and refer to UCL's Work-Life Balance Policy if you'd like further information.

Mobile devices

Functionality Recommended approach
E-mail and calendar Outlook app - see Microsoft help guide
Office document editing (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Office app - download via Microsoft
Teams Teams app - see Microsoft help guide
OneDrive OneDrive app - see Microsoft help guide
Shared drive Not available on mobile devices

Other Office 365 applications are available for mobile - see Microsoft's page of mobile apps

Desktop devices / laptops

Recommended: Desktop@UCL Anywhere

You can use Desktop@UCL Anywhere to access a virtual UCL desktop PC, which means you don't need to download anything onto your own device or set any accounts up, and everything is stored securely within UCL servers. The only thing you will need to download is Citrix, which allows you to access the remote desktop.

For more information see UCL ISD's guidance on using Destkop@UCL Anywhere.

Alternative approach: install apps on your personal device

UCL users can download the full suite of Office applications on their personal device via

Note you must be logged in to Office on your device with your UCL account for continued access to this software. Make sure you are storing personal information outside of any work accounts to protect your personal data.

Windows laptop

Software Instructions
Slack Download at, install and log in.
Microsoft Office (includes Outlook) Download at, install, and log in.

Download at

Note: you want "Teams (work or school)" or "Teams for work". There may be a different, personal Teams app installed on your computer but it will not work with your UCL account.

Shared Drive See Union help guide

Mac OS

Software Instructions
Slack Download at, install and log in.
Microsoft Office (includes Outlook) Download at, install, and log in.

Download at

Note: you want "Teams (work or school)" or "Teams for work". There may be a different, personal Teams app installed on your computer but it will not work with your UCL account.

Shared Drive See Union help guide

Secure access to your device

General access

Make sure any device is protected by a PIN, password or fingerprint.

When you connect to work services via your device, ensure you are the only one with access to the device. For example, do not connect on shared devices like a family iPad.

It is recommended to set up a new user account on the device, e.g. "SU Work", which can be used to separate your personal data from your work data.

If a device is lost or stolen while logged in with a UCL account, immediately change your UCL password and inform [email protected].

Device repair

When you need to send your device in for repair, e.g. for a phone screen replacement, please log out of any work related accounts beforehand so the repairers cannot access UCL data. (It is advisable to log out of personal ones as well for your own data security).

Storing files

Where possible, store your work files on OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint or the Shared Drive. 

Avoid downloading files to your personal device. Where you do, make sure to delete the file after use, and clear your recycling bin / trash to make sure it is fully deleted.

Knowledge base


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