When reporting IT & website issues, we have some best practices to help us help you!
Right place
Send to su.systems@ucl.ac.uk - feel free to copy in anyone else who might need to stay informed as well.
E-mail things to us even if you've had an in-person conversation to make sure your issue is logged.
Meetings are generally for discussion or to walk through a process, rather than for you to describe your issues. (That said if we need you to demonstrate or explain in more detail, we'll happily organise one after you've sent the initial e-mail).
Don't save them up
Send issues as they arise - don't save them up in a big list. This makes it harder and slower to resolve the issues.
One e-mail per issue
Combining multiple issues into one e-mail makes asking follow-up questions and tracking progress more difficult. So, if you have five issues with the website that aren't the same issues, send five e-mails.
Provide as much detail as possible
If you are talking about a page, course, user, etc, provide a link to the page or as much identifying information as possible. Include:
- Links to the page(s)
- Specific users, submissions etc affected
- Exact descriptions of the names of pages and buttons
- Screenshots where you can
- Replication steps (e.g. a description of the steps you took before the error) - so we can recreate the problem
That way, we can recreate the exact issue and narrow in on an exact solution.
Clarifications and confusions
We're all real humans - we always try our best to understand the situation, but we may not always get it right the first time. If you think we've missed the mark or don't really understand the issue, don't be afraid to correct us, give us more info, or just generally clarify what's going on. We'll do likewise!