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 UCL PC/Laptop Desktop@UCL Anywhere Personal device 

There are a few options:

  • On a UCL PC/laptop
  • Via the remote desktop Desktop@UCL Anywhere
  • On your personal device directly

For more information see below or visit

UCL PC/Laptop

For UCL devices, the drives should automatically appear. Remember you will need to be connected to the UCL VPN (AnyConnect) to access the shared drive if you are not on campus or not using Desktop@UCL Anywhere.

Desktop@UCL Anywhere

An easy way is via the remote desktop, which will automatically have the drives connected when you log in. 

Personal device

There are instructions linked below for accessing on your device.

Remember you will need to be connected to the UCL VPN (AnyConnect) to access the shared drive if you are not on campus or not using Desktop@UCL Anywhere.


Mac OS

Knowledge base


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