LGBTQ+ History Month  Celebrate with us 

If you have a complaint to make about a club, society, president or treasurer, you should follow the procedure below.  Under no circumstances should you complain directly to the person involved if its about them, and you should avoid creating gossip, rumour and distress for any other club or society members as this can also be a disciplinary matter. Check Section 3 of the Club and Society Regulations for full details of the procedure.

Step 1

If you wish to make an informal complaint, you should submit your complaint in writing to the Activities Team by emailing [email protected]. Anything you say will be held in confidence unless you agree to make your comments public or they affect the safety and wellbeing of a Student's Union UCL Member(s)/UCL Student(s).

Step 2

The Activities Team will then consider the complaint in line with Students' Union UCL Complaints Procedure, and get back to you with any further actions required, or comments. Depending on the nature of the complaint, this may be passed on to the Activities and Engagement Officer or Activities Zone.

Step 3

If the issue can't be resolved, or you wish to make a formal complaint, check the Students' Union complaints procedure for more information.

Knowledge base


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