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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Re-open nominations is a winner


Ismail Abbas
Haoyu Wang


I'm Haoyu, and I am eager to serve as the next President of the UCL Sudanese Society. My passion for celebrating and sharing Sudanese culture and issues, coupled with my experience in student leadership, positions me to effectively guide our society towards a future of greater visibility and influence within the UCL community.

Here’s how I plan to enhance our impact:

  • Cultural Celebrations: I will organize a diverse array of events that showcase the beauty of Sudanese traditions, such as a Sudanese Film Festival, traditional music and dance nights, and a Sudanese food fair. 
  • Educational Initiatives: It’s vital to provide a nuanced understanding of Sudan’s historical and contemporary issues. I plan to facilitate panels, lectures, and discussions with scholars and activists that will enlighten and inspire our members and the broader UCL community.
  • Community Outreach: Strengthening ties with Sudanese communities in and around London is essential. I will initiate community service projects that allow our members to give back and stay connected with local Sudanese residents.
  • Support Network: Recognizing the unique challenges that Sudanese students might face, I will work to bolster our support systems through mentoring programs and partnerships with UCL services to ensure that all members have the resources they need to succeed.

Let’s work together to celebrate our heritage and build a bright future for all members.