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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed


Role description: In charge of setting a financial budget with the President for the 2023/24 UCL Tennis year and making sure Club adheres to it by giving budgets for events/expenses when necessary.

Will work with UCL Tennis 2023/24 Management + Committee to organise UCL Tennis 2023/24 year.


Stuart Li-Tremble

I've been actively involved in our society for three years, serving two consecutive years on the committee, as M2 captain and currently as the Management Officer. I am therefore used to collaborating with the management committee to achieve society goals whilst actively contributing to the success of our competitive teams.

Since my first year, I've been a consistent presence at socials and have volunteered at R&D. This has allowed me to understand how important unity is in a large club like ours. 

As a member of the current management team, I've played a role in all society decisions and know the plans for the rest of the year. Planning future events, such as varsity and the Christmas ball, has given me immediate insight to and prepared me for the treasurer responsibilities. Furthermore, as a Biochemistry student, I have experience on excel and I am very comfortable dealing with numbers. This would ensure a seamless transition if I were to be elected treasurer. 

Building strong relationships during my time at UCL tennis has given me a keen awareness of our society's wants and needs. I'm well-versed in the club's financial situation and believe I am best suited to balance the society's desires with the budget.

I am confident in my ability to continue collaborating effectively with this year's committee to achieve our goals, and also contribute my own ideas to drive our society's growth. I believe my unique position and experience make me an ideal fit for this role.

Leo Saiu-Bell

Hi everyone! If we haven’t had the chance to meet this year, my name is Leo, and I am currently LTA Ambassador. I am running for treasurer (again for this year) because I was a very close runner-up to Jodie, but more importantly, because I think I am the best candidate for this position.

I was studying maths before I switched to astrophysics, meaning I am very good with numbers. I’ve also had numerous experiences at my hometown tennis club organising and managing finances, so I already have lots of expertise in this area. Moreover, because I’m in my 1st year again – not a fresher though – my course is not particularly time-consuming and LTA Ambassador is relatively little work, I have lots of time to dedicate to the society to ensure that finances are corrected and are managed efficiently. Furthermore, in addition to the 3 years I’ve already been in tennis society, I’ll also have an extra 2 years, so if elected, I would ensure the finances are stable for the coming years.

This year, I have already displayed my dedication to UCL tennis by volunteering at R&D every week (except when I’ve had matches) and attending every training session. It is this unwavering dedication and commitment that I would bring to my work as Treasurer.

The saying is the more, the merrier. That should apply to the management team too, right? After all, another perspective could be very helpful for the team (and it protects against corruption!).