Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As the UCL East Student Officer, I hope to bring the soul of UCL to the East Campus. I am a driven and bold individual, and will carry out my mission unapologetically, with strategy and enthusiasm. As a student at UCL East, I will gain first hand feedback from peers around me, implementing plausible suggestions where appropriate and will give no personal bias. I have prior experience as a Senior Prefect at school, liaising with teachers to ensure the weekly chapel services were running smoothly. I have worked as a summer school activity leader, organising events based on students' requests.  

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Studying Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at Marshgate last year was one of my biggest years of growth, however it was clear to me and my fellow course mates that there was something missing to our university experience. That thing was the student community. My sole mission as the UCL East Student Officer will be to liaise and cooperate with existing UCL society committees to promote and encourage expansion to UCL East. I will encourage every society to have a designated UCL East committee member, and will create spaces in UCL East and the surrounding areas for activities to happen.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Students should vote for me because I have their best interest in mind. As a student whose course is solely at Marshgate, bringing more student life to UCL East will only be a benefit to my own wellbeing. I want to bring lasting change to the student experience here as UCL East continues to thrive and grow, basing my plans off feedback from fellow East students in a democratic way. In conclusion, I will be the voice of the East students, making activities and events to come to Marshgate. I want to improve student life and I know I have the drive and communication skills to make it happen.