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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Have you read the role description for Faculty Reps yet?

In order to nominate/vote for this position you be an Undergraduate student from the Faculty of Laws. 

If you have any questions about the position, please contact [email protected].

Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run25 Oct 2024
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running4
Available position1
Total ballots82
Valid votes82
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Saskia Sinha [20770]32.00
Christopher Lim [20820]16.00
Anoushka Kaur Ichpanani [20849]29.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)5.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 41.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Saskia Sinha [20770]37.00
Christopher Lim [20820]0.00
Anoushka Kaur Ichpanani [20849]40.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Christopher Lim [20820] and RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 38.50. Candidate Anoushka Kaur Ichpanani [20849] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Anoushka Kaur Ichpanani [20849].


Christopher Lim (He/Him)
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am not an elected Year Group Representative, which means that as your Faculty Rep, I will be an additional voice at the table, another friendly face on campus, here to raise your concerns. I will also be an independent-minded Faculty Rep - the causes I champion won't just be the concerns of one year group, but ideas from students across Laws. I bring leadership experience, from my time as a Committee Member on two law-related societies affiliated with the SU, which means I can also connect you to whole-of-UCL concerns you may have relating to accessibility, timetabling, safety etc.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I will advocate for:

  • All formatives to be more reflective of our summative exams
  • For PowerPoint or Lecture Handouts to be uploaded to Moodle in advance of classes
  • For Faculty to hold end-of-term sessions on preparing students for the following academic year
  • Advocate for more careers events focused on nontraditional careers and careers outside of the UK
  • An anonymous forum for students who are struggling academically to send in their concerns and have their queries answered.
  • A centralised list of careers insight events to get Freshers started on learning about diverse career options
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As somebody who has campaigned for LawSoc committee positions in the past, I have a track record of putting myself forward for the Laws community and I continue to be passionate about representing students. As a Faculty Rep, I will be independent of any year group: I understand the concerns of law students, in terms of curriculum and career prospects, and seek to create a friendlier, more cohesive Laws. Furthermore, my role on the Environmental Law and Life Sciences Society committee gives me insight into non-traditional career options, allowing for more diverse voices to be heard.

Saskia Sinha (She/her)
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have refined my capabilities in advocacy, problem-solving, and relationship-building through several positions of responsibility. Following a successful campaign, I represented UCL at the 2023 NUS Democratic Conference – advocating primarily for better support frameworks for international students. Moreover, I am currently serving my second year as Treasurer of UCL's Animal Rights Society, where I secure funding for events, connect students with high-profile guest speakers, and collaborate with external organisations. This cumulative experience has prepared me to engage deeply with the role.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If elected, I will serve as a vital link between Laws students, faculty, and UCL's Students' Union, proactively identifying, amplifying, and addressing any issues affecting our cohort's success and satisfaction. I will act swiftly on concerns, establishing multiple feedback channels, and make myself available for individual meetings. My multilingualism and international background will help facilitate open communication. Ultimately, my goal is to foster a supportive, dynamic community where every student has the resources and encouragement needed to thrive during their time at UCL Laws.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As a mature student who is already the holder of a four-year degree from the University of London, I have extensive experience with both senior faculty members and students' unions. During my time as a student of UCL's Faculty of Laws, I have built rapport with members of the administrative, teaching, and student support departments. Owing to this, I am confident expressing my views, and sensitive to the needs and opinions of others. I will fearlessly represent you, and put in the work necessary to enact meaningful change for the collective benefit. Let's get started!

Anoushka Kaur Ichpanani (she/her/hers)
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As the second year representative for the Law Society, I am already very well-acquainted with this role’s responsibilities. I have experience liaising with faculty as well as coming to compromises in a way that is mutually beneficial. 

I am extremely active in the law community at UCL and apart from being committed towards improving our student experience, I believe I’m a familiar face for students across all years making me very approachable for any help. I respond to complaints promptly and try my best to address each student’s concerns in an effective, personalised manner.


What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

My main goal is fostering better communication in Laws. I’ve found that the root of many issues is the lack of active dialogue between faculty and the students and I hope to remedy that by requesting student feedback prior to all meetings with faculty, and relaying back any developments after such conversations. 

I’ve already created a document with important academic updates and pastoral information for Year 2 students, which has also been implemented in Year 3. I want to help students shape their own narratives by advocating for them, while helping both parties understand each other better.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Anyone who has interacted with me knows that I am fully dedicated towards improving our academic and social experiences. I strive to be very friendly and love talking to students across years to get to know them better. I value my connections with people and aim to foster collaboration over competition. 

I am very organised and manage my time well, which means I am able to prioritise your needs. I have demonstrated my commitment towards making information accessible and effectively addressing every issue. My familiarity with the law faculty because of my position as year rep is an added bonus!