Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have worked as a hall community officer where I have managed over 150 students and 20 members of staff. I successfully planed and executed 8 events for the residents of Goldsmid accommodation including welcome events for exchange students.

I also able to work under pressure, for instance I used to work in construction 10 hours a day, go jym and tutor (money was tight back then)  during summer.

I am going to make more activities and visits to allow students from different year to know each other and maybe learn a thing or two. I can’t guarantee that the trips are going to be free but will try.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope to make the society more fun and inclusive as I feel I didn’t enjoy it at all last year. I also intend to make it memorable for the leavers as I would definitely want the same. Most my activities will be request based, where I ask members what they want then a poll of activities is selected and presented for the members to vote for. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I am extremely talented and used to leadership positions as I was a member of my school’s MUN, hall community office and leader of almost every engineering team I am in.

I am well organised and typically have a plan B when things don’t go right.

I am very attentive and will take your feedback seriously.