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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Have you read the role description for Faculty Reps yet?

In order to nominate/vote for this position you be an Undergraduate student from the Faculty of Engineering.

If you have any questions about the position, please contact [email protected].



Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run25 Oct 2024
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running7
Available position1
Total ballots194
Valid votes191
Invalid votes3
Round 1
Lynn Karam [20752]29.00
Mustafa Ali [20754]98.00
Siya Sardar [20768]13.00
Victoria Lo [20834]17.00
Hao Zhang [20875]24.00
Ammar Khan [20894]8.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)2.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 95.50. Candidate Mustafa Ali [20754] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Mustafa Ali [20754].


Siya Sardar
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As a former Student Union President representing over 4,000 students at my college, I bring strong leadership, advocacy, and communication skills to the role of Faculty/Engineering Representative. My experience in managing student concerns, organizing events, and fostering collaboration equips me to effectively bridge the gap between students and faculty. I’m passionate about inclusivity, mental health, and creating an academic community in which people are valued, ensuring that every student’s voice is heard within my faculty and beyond. 

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If elected as Faculty/Engineering Representative, I aim to strengthen communication between students and faculty, ensuring student concerns are addressed promptly. I’ll advocate for better academic resources, mental health support, and more inclusive policies across the faculty, creating a positive academic environment. I also want to foster a strong sense of community by organising events and workshops that encourage collaboration and professional growth for students, ultimately, hoping to make sure every student feels heard, supported, and empowered to succeed.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I hope students are able to see the honest policies and benefits I look forward to bringing, should I get elected for this role. I have been extremely passionate about students’ academic experience for a long time and I look forward to continuing my passion at UCL. With my experience and passion, I will work tirelessly to create a positive and supportive experience for all. I am committed to ensuring every single voice is heard and effective communication between students and the Faculty is made an utmost priority.

Ammar Khan
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

In the past, I’ve served as Head Boy to a diverse mix of international students. I fought for their different needs and I am prepared to do so for you too.

Having provided pastoral support to incoming students, I am attentive and eager to work with you to improve our Faculty. 

Late nights spent organizing fundraisers, preparing for school board meetings, and researching for my internship, has given me the experience as well as the skills necessary to serve you well.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

We all know the issues at hand in the Engineering department. Lecture theatres that get way too hot, faulty tech, and the constant disorganization that comes with timetable changes and class relocation.

I aim to solve all those and more, with your support. 

By informing more students of the role of Faculty Rep, I’ll be able to take in everyone’s feedback and act on them to bring in effective solutions.

I will organize regular meetings with course representatives.

I’ll institute online forums where everyone can discuss pressing issues within the department.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Engineering is difficult enough as it is, without the additional nuisances that pop up occasionally. My past experiences as Prefect, Head Boy, and in charity fundraising has granted me the communication and organizational skills required of a Faculty Rep. I pledge to listen to all, because your voice matters, and make your feedback key to our faculty’s improvement. 

Should I be voted in, I will dedicate myself to eradicating these problems so that we all may work in a more comfortable and cohesive environment. 

Thanks and take care. 

Lynn Karam
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Having been Academic Representative at UCL for the past two years, I have learned a lot about communicating to students from different backgrounds, as well as acting as a liaison between students and professors. I will therefore be bringing those communication, listening and organization skills to this role. I have had the opportunity to take on other roles (transition mentor and student ambassador for my department) which allowed me to really be involved in the engineering student life, and understand students' needs. I am a sociable person, and enjoy meeting and speaking to new people :)

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If I am elected, I hope to actively raise student concerns to the faculty, and help improve student life in terms of academics and well-being, similar to what I have done for my course, but on a wider scale. I hope to make the change that is necessary for students to benefit of their engineering degrees, and to ameliorate communication between different engineering degrees. An example would be a Whatsapp group with the academic reps of every degree within the faculty, for every year, where reps can communicate issues/concerns together, in a team setting (older reps would help younger ones!)

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I believe students should vote for me as I have done a lot of change within my course, starting with raising issues related to the difficulty of the MMA module exams to the IEP, allowing students to choose their own groups for certain projects, discussing exam weightings, extending/managing deadlines. I hope these examples show you I am really dedicated to my peers. I aspire to make similar efforts for the faculty! I am also quite active on my phone (easy to reach out to), and usually act quickly on issues to get them sorted fast. Hopefully, speaking 4 languages helps too :) 

Mustafa Ali
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have worked as a hall community officer where I have managed over 150 students and 20 members of staff. I successfully planed and executed 8 events for the residents of Goldsmid accommodation including welcome events for exchange students.

I also able to work under pressure, for instance I used to work in construction 10 hours a day, go jym and tutor (money was tight back then)  during summer.

I am going to make more activities and visits to allow students from different year to know each other and maybe learn a thing or two. I can’t guarantee that the trips are going to be free but will try.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope to make the society more fun and inclusive as I feel I didn’t enjoy it at all last year. I also intend to make it memorable for the leavers as I would definitely want the same. Most my activities will be request based, where I ask members what they want then a poll of activities is selected and presented for the members to vote for. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I am extremely talented and used to leadership positions as I was a member of my school’s MUN, hall community office and leader of almost every engineering team I am in.

I am well organised and typically have a plan B when things don’t go right.

I am very attentive and will take your feedback seriously.

Victoria Lo
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?
  1. Course Representative 
  • Addressed cohort concerns. Secured transport refunds and advocated changes to exam style
  • Known for being approachable and responding to emails, often on the same day


  1. Chinese Heritage + UK Education
  • With Chinese heritage + 5 years in the UK education system, I understand educational challenges and can support your struggles
  • Experienced in overcoming language barriers and learning difficulties for myself and friends


  1. Former National Team Leader
  • Adapt quickly to unexpected challenges, managing pain of intense training
  • Developed strong time management for efficient task completion


What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  1. Enhance Career Networking
  • NOW: Graduates could be more competitive
  • TO DO: Provide direct access to internships and job opportunities during summer and after graduation, not just unrelated job fairs


  1. Improve Learning Styles
  • NOW: Most lessons use flipped classroom model, which is inefficient
  • TO DO: All modules should have face-to-face lectures, with flipped classrooms (+previous Lecturecast) available online for extra support


  1. Fair AI Use in Assessments
  • NOW: AI not allowed in some modules as lecturers prioritise communication skills
  • TO DO: Establish better policy, no penalties for responsible AI use


Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Who doesn’t want better grades and be less overwhelmed when preparing exams? I understand and experience the challenges you face —uncertainty in coursework marking, tougher exam questions, cultural barriers as international students. I’m facing these issues too!

That’s why I’m stepping up to speak for you—because I want these problems solved! I don’t want new students to face the same issues, my experience can change yours.

As Faculty Rep, I will advocate for real changes based on the collective voice of thousands of undergraduate students. I’ll push for solutions at UCL so you don’t have to!

Hao Zhang
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I bring not just passion, but a strong commitment to solving real issues. While our Engineering Faculty boasts an outstanding teaching team, we must face the fact that many challenges remain. Problems like poor feedback channels, unequal resource allocation, poorly designed courses, and the neglect of diverse student needs are particularly pressing. I will be the bridge to address these concerns and a strong advocate for progress. I’ll always stand for your interests, pushing for meaningful, lasting change.

We don’t just see the problems, we solve them together!

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  • Improve feedback channels --- Introduce Shape UCL to Faculty: Allowing students to submit feedback and track issue progress, ensuring quick and transparent responses from the faculty.
  • An Engineering Faculty Forum: A hub for sharing study tips, course advice, and facilitating cross-department collaboration and peer support.
  • Ensure open communication: I will provide a dedicated email to contact me and commit to responding within two days, ensuring all concerns are addressed swiftly.
  • Prioritize mental health & academic balance: Advocate for enhanced support to help students balance academic pressure.
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I’m not just here to listen—I’m here to act. I believe our Engineering Faculty should be more than a place to solve technical problems; it should be a community where every student’s voice is heard. I’ll make sure your concerns are addressed and your issues get the attention they deserve. I understand the challenges we face, and I know that together, we can make real changes.

Let your voice drive the change!