Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have acquired a variety of specialised skills during my time as the IOE Undergraduate Faculty Rep in 2023/24 and my three-year tenure as Course Representative. Besides adeptness in communication, leadership and teamwork, knowledge of how academic faculties operate and the optimal methods to resolve issues and achieve results are now second nature. Last year, we successfully advocated for the installation of two microwaves in the IOE, allowing students to access hot food more affordably and conveniently. I aim to enhance the experiences of students of the Faculty of Brain Sciences, too. 

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If elected, my work will revolve around representing YOUR best interests. My promise is always to listen and observe and strive to make changes that will elevate your university experiences - no request is too ambitious or insignificant. 

Postgraduate education is fast-paced and demanding, so let me take on your concerns! I want to make things a little better for everyone. Whether it is calling for a change in teaching structures, organising a social event, or perhaps campaigning for another microwave, I am committed to introducing improvements to everyone's time at university.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I take pride in having vast amounts of experience and a proven track record in student representation. At my core, I hold a genuine passion for helping and serving, which was central to my achievements as a Student Rep. With your vote, I can continue doing what I love - supporting my fellow students - while the students of the Faculty of Brain Sciences gain a Representative committed to listening to and advocating for them. I would be honoured to receive your vote! 

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