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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Have you read the role description for Faculty Reps yet?

In order to nominate/vote for this position you be a Postgraduate Taught student from the Faculty of Brain Sciences. 

If you have any questions about the position, please contact [email protected].



Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run25 Oct 2024
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running6
Available position1
Total ballots91
Valid votes91
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Gilad Kfir [20741]15.00
Sergio Diego Flores Ramos [20746]6.00
Isabelle Yu [20750]3.00
Menglong Bao [20764]46.00
Shruti Sharma [20837]21.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 45.50. Candidate Menglong Bao [20764] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Menglong Bao [20764].


Sergio Diego Flores Ramos
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I believe I would be an excellent academic representative for the Brain Sciences Faculty due to my strong academic background, passion for psychology, and commitment to student well-being. Having graduated with first-class honours from Lancaster University and received prestigious awards for academic achievement, I have consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence in my studies. My passion for psychology and innovation, particularly in the field of therapy, drives me to think critically and propose creative solutions, which I believe would benefit both students and faculty. 

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If elected, I aim to enhance student support by ensuring access to academic resources and mental health services. I will work to improve communication between students and faculty, ensuring that student concerns and feedback are addressed. I also want to promote inclusivity, advocating for a learning environment that supports all students. Lastly, I hope to encourage innovation in learning and research, helping students excel academically and prepare for their future careers.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As someone with ADHD, I have firsthand experience with the challenges neurodivergent students face in an academic setting. This perspective allows me to empathize with others who may have similar experiences and advocate for more inclusive and supportive learning environments. My background in business analysis and data-driven decision-making also equips me with the problem-solving skills necessary to address concerns effectively and find practical solutions.

Isabelle Yu
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have served as a student representative of my undergraduate programme, so I am experienced in this task and good at communicating with teachers and students. At that time, the opinions I put forward on behalf of my fellow students on the curriculum and major settings contributed to a large extent to the programme reform. Next year's students in this programme had a more reasonable curriculum setting. I would love to continue my dedication as a student representative.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I will be more proactive in listening to the voices of my fellow students and providing timely feedback to the appropriate departments. Meanwhile, I will help implement adjustments and projects that are beneficial to students.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I will be a good student representative:)

Menglong Bao (He/Him)
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have acquired a variety of specialised skills during my time as the IOE Undergraduate Faculty Rep in 2023/24 and my three-year tenure as Course Representative. Besides adeptness in communication, leadership and teamwork, knowledge of how academic faculties operate and the optimal methods to resolve issues and achieve results are now second nature. Last year, we successfully advocated for the installation of two microwaves in the IOE, allowing students to access hot food more affordably and conveniently. I aim to enhance the experiences of students of the Faculty of Brain Sciences, too. 

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If elected, my work will revolve around representing YOUR best interests. My promise is always to listen and observe and strive to make changes that will elevate your university experiences - no request is too ambitious or insignificant. 

Postgraduate education is fast-paced and demanding, so let me take on your concerns! I want to make things a little better for everyone. Whether it is calling for a change in teaching structures, organising a social event, or perhaps campaigning for another microwave, I am committed to introducing improvements to everyone's time at university.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I take pride in having vast amounts of experience and a proven track record in student representation. At my core, I hold a genuine passion for helping and serving, which was central to my achievements as a Student Rep. With your vote, I can continue doing what I love - supporting my fellow students - while the students of the Faculty of Brain Sciences gain a Representative committed to listening to and advocating for them. I would be honoured to receive your vote! 

Shruti Sharma (she/her)
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

My commitment is to serve as a UCL Faculty Representative who not only voices but actively champions the needs, aspirations, and welfare of every student within our faculty. Electing me means choosing a leader who is deeply engaged with UCL, understands its complexities, and is ready to challenge the status quo. With my experience in student advocacy, leadership, and representation, I am equipped not only to envision a more inclusive, responsive, and student-centered UCL, but to make that vision a reality.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

As your Faculty Representative for Brain Sciences, I’m here to push for meaningful curriculum improvements that keep us in step with the latest research and trends. I want to create a collaborative academic environment that encourages interdisciplinary projects and peer support, making learning a shared experience. I’ll also focus on student well-being by introducing mentorship programs and ensuring open communication between faculty and students. My aim is to build a supportive atmosphere where everyone can thrive academically and personally. If elected, I’m dedicated to making UCL a place where your needs and aspirations truly matter!

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As a former representative at King's College London, I've gained valuable leadership and advocacy experience, but what truly matters here is connection. A connection rooted in our shared experiences—feeling overwhelmed, seeking support, and wanting to be heard. I understand the challenges you face, and I'm dedicated to ensuring that your voice shapes our journey. Vote for me, and together we’ll create a faculty where every student feels empowered, valued, and supported—because your experience truly matters. Let’s work together to make our community better for everyone.

Gilad Kfir
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

The last 3 years were transformational for me. I joined my family 's organizational development firm, which specializes in building cultures in which individuals connect to their authentic selves, to others, collaborate, and perform. Working with leading corporations, family businesses, and universities worldwide has provided me with the management, leadership, facilitation, and mainly people skills, necessary to be a good faculty rep. I seek to apply my change management skills so that the brain faculty students will be able to leverage this year to manifest their ultimate potential. 

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  1. Vibrant Student Community and Network - I am a big fan of human communities. As an experienced facilitator, I would love to implement the YPO Forum methodology and ensure every student, has a support and performance group, to connect, solve problems, and grow. 
  2. Learning - Expert lectures and workshops to enable constant professional development. 
  3. Cross-faculty Communication Channels- I would create a governance model, including group meetings between the representatives, the students, and the academic staff, to foster evaluation and continuous improvements of the union and the staff. 
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. I want to become the faculty representative because I truly care. It is my top priority that this year will not just pass by, but that it will be a life-changing steppingstone in the journey of the brain sciences students.  I want it to yield high career advancements, interdisciplinary research collaborations, and lifelong relationships. I'll nurture a system that will enable students to be heard, and for the student union body to maintain agility, flexibility, and relevance to the students' changing needs.