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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Have you read the role description for Activities Reps yet?

If you have any questions about the position, please contact [email protected].

Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run27 Oct 2023
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running5
Available positions4
Total ballots739
Valid votes739
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Addina Binti Amran [15372]200.00
Ankit Mehani [15384]52.00
Abraham Selby [15397]176.00
Jiayu Louise Liu [15413]294.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)17.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 147.80. Candidates Addina Binti Amran [15372], Abraham Selby [15397], and Jiayu Louise Liu [15413] have reached the threshold and are elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Addina Binti Amran [15372]200.00
Ankit Mehani [15384]149.00
Abraham Selby [15397]176.00
Jiayu Louise Liu [15413]147.80
RON (Re-open Nominations)24.00
Count after transferring surplus votes from Jiayu Louise Liu [15413]. Candidate Ankit Mehani [15384] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Addina Binti Amran [15372], Ankit Mehani [15384], Abraham Selby [15397], and Jiayu Louise Liu [15413].


Abraham Selby (Him/His)
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As a long term volunteer with experience in people management and working closely to work with team, I have been volunteering for the past 10 years in many areas. I will create a volunteering partnership among other agencies and make sure that the volunteers have industry recommendation to jobs and impact in other areas. I will also make sure that we have a support section that can help volunteers travel to other countries for exploration and other developments. 

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

What I hope to achieve as volunteering representative is typically aim to create an avenue in the areas advocating for Volunteers, Promote Volunteer Engagement, enhance Volunteer Experience,facilitate Communication, Plan and Coordinate Events, Recognize and Appreciate Volunteers, Collect Feedback, Collaborate and Network, Support Diversity and Inclusion and also drive Positive Change.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As a long term volunteer lead for the past 10 years, I am seeking your vote to be able to create a sustainable volunteering opportunities for all. Voting for me Selby Abraham as Volunteering Representative at UCL is a key decision because I am committed to making a real difference in our community. As your representative, I will be able to amplify your voices, Create Impactful Initiatives, Foster Inclusivity,collaborate and network globally with my impact under the global community.

Vote for me as your Volunteering Representative, and together, we'll create a vibrant, inclusive, and impactful volunteering community at UCL."

Jiayu Louise Liu
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I volunteer passionately for over 260 hours in my undergraduate including participate in litter removal in Durham, keeping the races in order, helping to support the charity cake sale and many more. I worked as Cultural Chair and project leader in Durham University Student Volunteering and Outreach Team for two years and was awarded the Global Student Experience Award and Best Cultural Effort twice. I communicate with schools and County Council Durham to seek for opportunities between university and local for cultural event such as Durham Global Week, which got lots of positive feedback!

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I aim to encourage more students to actively participate in volunteering activities by promoting a wide range of meaningful opportunities to increase volunteer engagement. I will try work to create an inclusive volunteering environment where students from diverse backgrounds and interests feel welcome and valued. This includes promoting volunteering initiatives that address various social and community needs. I will also try to discuss the potential of setting up a volunteering portal which include all the upcoming volunteering events, available opportunities and logging volunteering hours.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I bring a wealth of hands-on volunteering experience, leadership skills, and a track record of dedication to service. I am committed to fostering an inclusive volunteering environment that welcomes students from all backgrounds and interests. As I am a Master student and new to UCL, we can explore the volunteering opportunities together and grow together. I will try to contribute to recognition programs to celebrate the contributions of our volunteers by making volunteering hours visible. Your vote for me will contribute to a more vibrant and impactful volunteering culture at UCL.

Ankit Mehani
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?


I think we should give back to society on daily basis. This practise i am following for past few years. 


In my previous company(Prudential, Singapore) i have participated few events like educating children for finance background, helping senior citizens about scams, Surveys and food distribution to families who have low family incomes across cities. 

I have participate in blood donations also and provided education to students for free who have low family income but need some assistance. 


I come from technical background and age 31 worked in India/Malaysia/Singapore.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?


I want to represent UCL as entity to perform betterment of society so upcoming students/ parents/ corporate/ any person should feel motivated and come forward to help/assist for uplift of society from there end.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

It always make me feel better when i do better for people/society. I always believe instead of giving money we should help directly to society in whatsoever means possible. 

Addina Binti Amran (she/her)
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

In the past year, I have been active in my involvement in the university especially in the volunteering area. I have partaken an audit training and practice on UCL Green Impact in evaluating sustainability of faculties in UCL. I also have served a term in an NGO, based to combat education inequalities in Malaysia where I worked to assess impact of our programs among the beneficiaries. I was a team leader in one of the teams in SU language and cultural fair involving young primary school students, held in IoE. Last summer, I completed a 4-week internship program with a fund management company.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I would like to assist SU in seeing expansion in numbers of students involved in volunteering activities. I would love to be in position where I could contribute ideas, or channeling peers' ideas to make volunteering activities more fun. I personally find it so rewarding, however, the first dip in the water might be the hardest step out of all! I want to make volunteering more approachable by improving inclusivity and support for interested individuals to take up volunteering. I also think that we could always improve on surveys after the event to ensure that volunteers are benefitted.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I have taken few years in revising my skills and my core values. From then, I have become more clarified about my goals for the community around me. Apart from I have become more confident as a 2nd year student in UCL, I believe in my abilities in bringing changes to the students within this university. Especially as an international student, I resonate with a big portion of the students whom are more likely to feel discouraged and helpless about getting out there. I would like to be a representative for friends alike through interacting, more inclusive and approachable events.