Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have significant leadership experience, from being Secretary-General at the largest University-level UN conference in europe, to treasurer and uniform officer of my sports society during my undergraduate education. I have experience with working with different people from different backgrounds and making sure that I can communicate myself and the needs of others in an optimal manner. Having already completed a Master's Degree, I know the unique challenges of postgraduate education, and am confident that I am able to take this on alongside my other responsibilities.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope to build connections across degrees types; there is such a broad overlap in the subjects that students from different degrees are able to take, and yet most people only know those within their own course, if that. I hope to encourage an environment whereby everyone feels comfortable not only talking to me but to each other. I hope to listen and pay attention to the questions and concerns of my peers, and take real steps to make sure changes are made, not just for the coming years but for my cohort. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I am a compassionate person with a desire to help others and make everyone feel heard. While studing a Masters in the field of Social Science, I have an undergraduate degree in History and Intenational Relations, meaning I am familiar with the experience of students in the Historical Sciences as well. I will be able to represent individuals from all personal and professional backgrounds fairly and equally, advocating for our collective wellbeing in the short year we have as a community at UCL.

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