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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed



Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run22 Nov 2024
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running2
Available position1
Total ballots16
Valid votes16
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Katie Taylor [21824]15.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)1.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 8.00. Candidate Katie Taylor [21824] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Katie Taylor [21824].


Katie Taylor


My name is Katie Taylor. A lot of you will already recognise me from the cultural fair and from the Polish Society Instagram. It has been a pleasure getting to know you all!  During my time as Vice President of Polish Society I have worked to keep this society afloat. Which is why I believe that it is necessary for me to run for the position of President as to ensure that proper reform is brought to our society.  

My key focus is to create a welcoming community for all Poles and people who would like to know more about our history, culture and language. Which is why I will be continuing our tradition of hosting amazing historians and academics in conjunction with holding social events to further expand our community.

As President I can ensure close collaboration with the UK's most important Polish institutions like POSK, The Sikorski Institute, Ognisko, Harcerstwo ect. As I am a member of the Polish diaspora in the UK, I have grown up with many of these institutions. Secondly, I would like to strengthen PolSoc’s ties with other UCL societies. During my time as PolSoc Vice President and SSEES Society Vice President I have had the privilege of working with many cultural societies that would love to collaborate with us. The preservation of the Polish language is a matter very close to my heart. This is why I am aiming to set up support for Polish language learning.  

As your President I can guarantee pączki on tłusty czwartek, kabanosy and lots of disco polo!!!
