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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Students' Union President is a full time Sabbatical Officer of the Students’ Union working as part of team of six officers to provide leadership to the Students’ Union; and representing the interests of students to UCL and national policymakers, including participating in UCL committees and regular meetings with senior staff. They will Chair the Students’ Union Board of Trustees and Executive and lead the Union’s relationships with UCL’s President and Provost.



Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run15 Mar 2024
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running5
Available position1
Total ballots2624
Valid votes2624
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Nick Miao [16671]860.00
Christian Playford [17281]208.00
Goksu Danaci [18307]1095.00
Jenny-Ann Windbrake [19527]429.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)32.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 1312.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Nick Miao [16671]1041.00
Christian Playford [17281]0.00
Goksu Danaci [18307]1274.00
Jenny-Ann Windbrake [19527]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Christian Playford [17281], Jenny-Ann Windbrake [19527], and RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 1157.50. Candidate Goksu Danaci [18307] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Goksu Danaci [18307].


Christian Playford (he/him)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope to make the university a more inclusive place, where people can express themselves through activities such as rope jumping and gymnastics. 

Furthermore, in reference to my previous point, it has come to my attention that Jeremy Bentham has not presented his student ID  once whilst in the student centre. I believe this poses a problem of security and is a symptom of how unsafe students feel on campus.

There is a distinct lack of five aside pitches available in the main quad. The solution Is simple and I will be swift. As a fan of democracy, the people shall.


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I like to think I have had the UCL experience. I enjoy travelling alone. to campus to engage in the fulfilling UCL experience. Having used the student centre lifts on more than one occasion, I can safely say that this part of the UCL experience is under my belt. 

As an owner of a UCL student ID, I believe this puts me head and shoulders above the rest. It also allows me to engage in the UCL experience.

Onto my repertoire of skills and qualities: Tenacity, perspecacity, audacity. 

In times of crisis and turmoil and crisis and turmoil, you can count on me.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

The real question is 'why not?'. I shall restore homeostasis within this beautiful institution that I like to call 'the place I visit twice a week'. You've had the UCL experience, its time for the Playford experience. When life gives me lemons, I say 'no', and look for the £2.70 lemonade in the student centre cafe. 

Goksu Danaci
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  • Prioritise a student hub (space for societies & events). Despite being the largest UK SU, we don’t have a Union building
  • Advocate fiercely for students on sociopolitical issues for timely resolutions.
  • Liase strategically with UCL Estates to elevate facility standards for an ideal learning environment.
  • Offer cheaper & healthier food options that cater to all dietary requirements + preferences to tackle the cost of living crisis.
  • Place sustainability at the forefront of UCL decisions.
  • Engage more with other Students’ Unions while enhancing global partnerships with more NGOs & charities.
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Reviving the UCL Turkish Society, I’ve demonstrated not just leadership, but the ability to unite a community through empathy & strategy. I’m now ready to lead the UCL SU with inclusive policies for all students to feel at home.

Moving to the UK at 17 alone, my multicultural appreciation allowed me to help students with similar experiences being the Deputy Head Girl of school. These experiences allowed me to prosper in my work experience in Brussels too, teaching me to loudly voice the interests of the bodies I represent. I am confident in navigating my way here to do the same for UCL students.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I am committed to championing your needs and aspirations. I promise to negotiate and deliver solutions that enhance a collective student experience. By choosing me, you're not just voting for a candidate; you're endorsing a partner dedicated to building the ideal UCL of tomorrow, today.

For a resilient, reliable and resourceful deal maker: Better Call Gok-SU!

Jenny-Ann Windbrake
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?
  • Cultivate existing and create new industry relations through better use of our alumni network – better relations with industry professionals and service providers. Your work deserves to be seen
  • Work on ongoing estate plans to create an appropriate joint space for SU activities. No room bookings or bar-hiring fees
  • Uphold democratic values through the students’ continuous involvement in shaping the SU through feedback forms and think tanks
  • Reform the reimbursement system within societies to ensure equal opportunities regardless of the student’s financial situation


What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I’ve worked with the SU in various capacities where I have gained an understanding of issues and opportunities

  • As an ambassador for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, I represent UCL at welcome fairs
  • I am working with the SU to improve the process of putting on shows, after producing King Charles III & The Producers
  • I was on Film Society committee for 2 years, so I know the hardships and responsibilities
  • As a member of Volleyball and Football, two popular societies with limited space and resources, I understand the support needed so that everyone can make the most of what’s on offer
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

My fondest memories are from my time in SU societies. I have extensive knowledge of the processes, responsibilities and opportunities, and an even greater desire to improve them. I am passionate and dedicated to create:

  • An inclusive space for collaboration - it is our diverse community which makes the SU so exciting and unique
  • An improved experience of society membership - efficient and welcoming processes that ensure opportunities for everyone
  • A SU that fully aligns with our values and aspirations - democracy and inclusion ought to guide our actions


I’m just JEN and I’ll make it happen!

Nick Miao (he/him)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I want to give you A REASON TO CARE about your Union.

Ⓒ is for Coffee ☕

  • Get rid of the automatic coffee machine at the Print Room Cafe
  • Fixing the hot water tap at the Student Centre

Ⓐ is for Advocacy ✊

  • Address the chronic failures of UCL Report + Support
  • Lobby UCL Careers for a sustainable transition from fossil fuel companies

Ⓡ is for Representation 🌈

  • Public voting record for elected reps at Union meetings
  • Non-grant funding for uptake of Active Bystander in clubs/socs

Ⓔ is for Efficiency 🎯

  • Streamline admin processes for clubs/socs
  • Performance targets for paperwork turnaround
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?
  • 🏡 As Accommodation Officer last year, I responded to every single email query I received and passed a policy mandating the Union to bring its outsourced staff in-house where logistically possible
  • 📰 As Societies Rep for Student Media, I passed a policy to increase the transparency of SU meetings & processes
  • 🧀 As SU Correspondent for The Cheese Grater, I continue to write in-depth articles holding Union officers to account
  • I’ve also served as your NUS Delegate for two years in a row. I’ve seen the Union from the inside and out. I know the problems it is facing and what needs to be done.
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

The problem with the Union is that no one could possibly care less: those who don't care see no reason to start caring, and those who do care are driven away by its opaque bureaucracy that is sometimes impossible to work with. I want to change that.

I want to give you a reason to care about your Union by delivering on what matters to you: whether it's fixing that hot water tap at the Student Centre, or making sure that UCL meets its duty of care to students by overhauling the Report + Support system. I will deliver a real students’ union: one that works with you, not against you.