Election post



My name is Suraj and I am applying to be your Sikh Society Welfare officer. I wish to be involved with the committee and help out wherever necessary as well as being approachable and available to help people out wherever needed.

I have enjoyed getting to know our Sikh soc team and feel that I would be able to work well with all of our members. In addition, recently, undertaking preparation for Langar on Campus has given me confidence that I can complete tasks given to me and contribute to a team. 

I have developed my communication skills on multiple occasions especially through my volunteering - my previous experience working in a hospice has allowed me to be confident to strike up conversation with anyone. This is beneficial to being a welfare officer as the role relies on good communication with those who need it. 

Through my engagement with Sikh soc events and personal qualities, I believe that I would be a good fit for this role and hope to work with the Sikh soc committee soon!

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