Election post


Heyy guys! I am Aniella :))


As your Classes and Scheduling Coordinator for the past several months, I am excited to be running for re-election for the 2024/5 Salsa Society Committee. Since joining only this academic year, I have found the society to be one of the most welcoming, exciting communities here at UCL, one which I would be honoured to continue to help run. 


Since November, I have come to understand the inner-workings of this role; from finding, hiring, and communicating with our talented teachers to ensuring that workshops pulse with creativity and skill, being the society’s Classes Coordinator has become second-nature to me. My re-election would mean choosing a coordinator who has cultivated relationships with professionals and fellow enthusiasts within London’s Latin Dance scene. I plan to use this experience to continue working closely with our weekly class teachers as well as seeking out new instructors to host a range of workshops, expanding upon the styles on offer at UCL.


Being part of the Salsa Society Committee has been an immensely rewarding experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the fantastic community we've cultivated. With your vote, I would love to continue using my knowledge to ensure the smooth sailing of our society.

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