Election post


Hi! My name is Pippa and I am a 1st-year PhD student studying cardiovascular medicine. I specialise in the fields of medical imaging and bioinformatics where I experience first-hand the impact innovative technology can have on human health. I would love to join a society in which I could contribute and share my excitement for MedTech!

What do I hope to achieve?

  • Connect students to form industry relationships
  • Provide resources, workshops and mentorship programs to equip students
  • Repeat the success of the mentorship networking event!

Enhance mentorship and industry engagement!

  • Expand the scheme further to recruit more mentors in a wider variety of disciplines
  • Develop a comprehensive mentorship program that includes structured guidance, resources, and training for both mentors and mentees.
  • Create and sustain partnerships with MedTech companies and organizations that offer internship opportunities for students.

What will I bring to the role?


  • Msc in Biomedical sciences from the University of Oxford
  • Events officer for Oxford Biomedical society
  • 3+ years’ experience as a mentor for medical and life science university applications

Networking connections

  • Wide span of alumni contacts in multiple MedTech industries
  • Utilization of various channels such as social media, networking events, and industry partnerships to expand the pool of potential mentors.

Energy and enthusiasm

  • Enthusiastic and proactive attitude to creating contacts!
  • Believe I can successfully lead the mentorship team to help students bridge the
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