Election post


Hi, I’m Kira and I’m running for President! 

My time with RUMSBC has proved that rowing is more than just a sport. As President, I see the opportunity to translate my love for RUMSBC into tangible actions that can help others to experience the same sense of growth, camaraderie, and joy that I have found within our club.

During my two-year captaincy, it has been so rewarding to see our senior squads transform. I've also gained valuable insight into what it takes to run this club by working with every member of committee and the union. 

My main aims are:

Communication & transparency

  • Use bi-termly feedback mechanisms to ensure that every member has a voice in shaping the direction of our club
  • Explore innovative fundraising strategies for the club, whilst promoting funding available to members to facilitate better access to this sport

Welfare & inclusivity

  • Strive for continuous improvement of committee welfare training & open it up to all club members, with better signposting for raising concerns & safety on nights out
  • Champion important issues in our community through involvement in initiatives like RTHM, Rainbow Races & Pride in Sport


  • Prioritise the acquisition of working engines to optimise the development and safety of crews, captains and coaches! 
  • Education on the flag system & formalise outing contingency plans 

I cannot wait to give back to this incredible club and, with your support, I know that we can build an even stronger RUMSBC community for

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