Election post


It is with great enthusiasm that I present my candidacy for the position of ACS Treasurer. As an active ACS member, I have recognised the importance of effective financial management in ensuring the viability and affordability of our events. I am therefore certain that I have the knowledge, skill set and dedication needed to not only improve the current events we hold, but to introduce new, innovative activities that remain within our budget. My experience as a cashier at Selfridges, whereby I handled transactions and maintained financial records, has granted me a solid foundation in financial literacy, whilst my studies of Computer Science have reinforced my mathematical aptitude and ability to analyse data. I am committed to applying this knowledge to ensure the fiscal health of our society.

As Treasurer, I will prioritise transparency in all financial matters, maintaining accurate records of our income and expenditures, providing regular updates to members and ensuring that our financial resources are used efficiently. As someone with extensive connections to industry professionals, I also aim to organise regular workshops to equip our members with financial literacy and investment skills, as, like me, many of our members will come from lower socio-economic backgrounds, and thus have insufficient access to such information.

With your support, I am confident that we can build a stronger, more prosperous ACS that empowers every member. Thank you for your consideration.