Election post


Hey TSS!

I'm Yangling, a 1st-year "International Social and Political Studies" student stading for the Taylor Swift Society Vice-President position.

You may wonder what qualifies me to take this position in TSS? First and foremost, I am what you call an "Taylor Swift Addict", being rated as the top 0.005% of Taylor Swift listeners on Spotify last year with a total of 52,472 mins of Taylors music streamed (I know, I'm concerned for myself too).

I also consider myself an experienced leader, taking a plethroa of executive positions in the past whether that be in school societies or in the various NGO's that I was apart of. My time serving as President of my high school's Arts Council, and as Vice-President of the NGO "SJMF" for example, taught me to place great importance in cooperation, intitative, and organisation when working with a team. Moreover, my time attending the "Canadian Youth Leadership Conference" allowed me to meet like-minded youth leaders throughout Canada, and attend various talks by influential world leaders! This experience has provided me with great insight into what it takes to become a successful leader in a team!

My plans for TSS? More fun events (TS Pub Quiz/TS Halloween party anyone?), and even a group trip to Taylor's eventual London 'Eras Tour' Concert! Overall, I hope that you would vote for me to become your next VP for TSS so that we may work together to expand TSS so that we may expand ourselves and attract more UCL members to become Swifties!