Election post


Hey Taylor Swift Society, my name is Miriam Gordon and I am running to be one of your Vice Presidents next year. I’ve had the time of my life fighting dragons with you as the communications officer this year, and I don’t want my time helping run TSS to end.


As your communications officer, I have: 

  • promoting society events via the TSS Instagram and WhatsApp group chat 
  • documenting highlights during events (you may have likely seen me running around during Karaoke to get videos of everyone screaming the Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve bridge) 
  • helped create calendars so you have a rough idea of what’s coming 
  • created a new event - Taylor Swift presentation night where everyone had a wholesome chance to share their favourite takes on anything Taylor related
  • consistently attended meetings and helped the society with buying supplies for events such as Lover Party 

As your Vice President, I hope to: 

  • continue being an active member of the TSS committee and putting in the hard work to make sure we bring you guys the best events 
  • use what I’ve learned from being a communications officer for TSS and food society to help contribute new ideas - as someone who’s led food crawls around London, perhaps we could do a London Boy one?
  • support collaborations with other societies and events within and outside of UCL 


Long story short, you wanting me to be your VP would be my wildest dream and I hope you’ll have me!