Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Being a trustee is an extremely important job. By being a student trustee, I would hope to:

  • Make UCL’s efforts for their students more transparent.
  • Enabling financing counselling for the students due to the cost of living crisis.
  • Make UCL more democratic by increasing the say of students in policy decisions concerning them.
  • Setting up a portal for inputs from students about the changes that they would like to see and working on meeting those expectations.
  • Collaborate with other universities across London for events related to sustainability and careers to make an impact outside of UCL.
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

In the span of one year, I’ve been a part of different aspects of UCL which has helped me gauge a better understanding of its functioning.

  • Being a member of the Active Bystander team, I have had conversations with diverse people which has helped me understand their perspectives and find commonalities.
  • Being part of the UCL Sustainability Council, I have had the opportunity to interact with the SU and UCL Careers staff to understand the priorities of the university in terms of sustainability.
  • Being part of the ArtsUCL community has given me a distinct lens of looking at our creative side.
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

It is through all of these distinct experiences and my personal perspectives of being a female international student, I am confident I have had the unique opportunity to see a mix of different aspects of what UCL is made of, and it is through these understandings that I am confident I have the tools to bring in a difference. 

Therefore, if you agree with my ideas and believe in my experiences please VOTE for me and I ensure you guys won't be disappointed. 

Thank you for taking out your time in reading this! I really appreciate it:)