Election post


As a current Event Executive of the UCL Statistics Society, I am proud of my journey in this organization. I joined as a First-Year Representative, eager to be part of a community that shared my passion for statistics. For the past five months, I have been an active member of the Event Department, working hard to make our events successful.

During this time, I organized a consulting event all by myself, which was a great learning experience for me. I networked with consultants at EY Parthenon and interviewed speakers for the event. The success of this event caught the attention of the committee, and I was promoted to Event Executive. It's rare for a First-Year Representative to get promoted so quickly, but my dedication and hard work were recognized.

My experience in the society has taught me a lot about teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. I have gained valuable skills that I know will be useful in any future roles I take on. I am confident in my ability to navigate any challenges that come my way and have a good understanding of how the committee works.

Now, I am excited to take on an even more significant role in the society. I want to continue contributing to the community that has given me so much and help organize even more successful events. I believe that I can make a positive impact and help the society achieve its goals.