Election post


As an active member and first year representative of punjabi society I want to carry on next year with a bigger role. I know that being part of a cultural society enabled me to branch out in unimaginable ways when I first joined university and I hope to continue this legacy next year through the role of the welfare officer. I believe I suit the role of welfare officer due to me being part of the LGBTQ+ community within a culture that is not typically as accomodating, I personally have been through a sense of not belonging and know how to combat this as well as possessing the traits to ensure others do not feel the same. Inclusivity is something that is really important to me and through this role I will ensure I pitch ideas for events that allow for the aforementioned, from drinking to non drinking events to those who want to learn more about their history and culture compared to those who already have a good understanding. Also, I will ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable at any events and take the appropriate steps to action anything that has made anyone feel uncomfortable.