Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Anusha, and I am a Politics and International Relations student, running to be one of your Law for All Events officers. 

As an active member of LfA this year, and benefitting from events such as the UCLxLfA networking dinner, I realise events are a vital part of this society. As your events officer, I would continue to provide such opportunities and exposure into law. 

With your vote, I strive to achieve the following; 

  • Diversify the range of events. Currently, LfA offers an amazing plethora of opportunity with renowned firms including HSF and A&O. Whilst maintaining this, I also aim to increase events in more niche areas, through collaborations such as Legal Tech society and ELLS. 
  • Following this, I would increase the range of networking events available, both within LfA and through collaborations with other societies.
  • As events officer, I would hold a range of events to help with the application process, including CV workshops, interview and case study prep, and insight on Watson Glaser test preparation. 
  • Encourage competition within the society such as moots and case study competitions. 
  • I would also organise a greater range of social events, a great way to meet the rest of the society and socialise. These would vary from pizza nights to an annual ball. 

As your co-officer, I promise to be organised, and work with the team to provide you with a range of event opportunities, whilst promoting the diversity and inclusion that LfA stands for.