Election post


As an avid member of the Data Science Society, I hope to give back by taking on the responsibility of Vice President. As VP, I would be dedicated to promoting data science ventures within the society and beyond. Here are a few reasons you should pick me:

  1. Experience: I am an incoming Tech Spring Intern at Amazon, summer data science intern for the Hong Kong government, and previously interned as a Systems Engineering Intern.
  2. Passion: I am passionate about data science and its potential to make a positive impact on society. As Vice President, I will work to inspire and motivate members of the society to engage with data science and explore its various applications.
  3. Leadership: Through student government and club leadership, I have experience managing teams, organising events, and facilitating discussions. As Vice President, I will use these skills to lead the society towards its goals and to promote a collaborative and inclusive community.
  4. Innovation: I believe that innovation is key to the success of any organisation, and I will work to foster a culture of innovation within the Data Science Society. I will encourage members to experiment with new ideas, technologies, and methodologies, and to share their findings with the community.

Overall, I am committed to making our community the best it can be. As Vice President, I will work to foster a culture of innovation, inclusivity, and collaboration, and to inspire members to engage with data science in meaningful ways.