Election post


Hello, I'm Ginny from Bolt and I'm re-nominating myself for S&V secretary.

In the past few months, I've been working alongside Ana in organising different volunteering activities. In particular, I'm very involved in the Helping Children Discover Cheerleading at UCLA, which they have renewed for the upcoming year. More recently, I completed the Level 2 qualification and I look forward to continuing this project in the next year with the newly gained skillset, both in terms of coaching and handling the different processes from the Union and the school. It would be great to have more volunteers participating so that we could expand this project in other schools and improving its structure. In the past I have also coached rugby to young children, which has I believe makes me well suited for carrying out this commitment as a volunteering project leader.

Moreover, I feel like I am now fond of the tasks required for this role and how to improve certain aspects. In terms of Sponsorship, this year has been very successful but it could be better by updating the sponsors contact list and having a more efficient way to send out the hundreds of emails.

My experience as a S&V secretary and as part of the committee has been great! I really enjoyed playing my part in the growth and success of this society. We have been recently featured in the UCL Volunteering social media, as our project has generated a positive impact. I’d be honoured to fill in this position for another year.