Election post


I really enjoy being creative with graphics and feel like I could create a really great first impression online for the boat club. As a novice this year, I first decided I wanted to start rowing based on the great image presented by the boat club’s Instagram page and want to maintain that as media officer and make our presence even better. 
I feel that the media on the boat club recently has slightly favoured posting pictures of the men more and whenever there are pictures of women they’re always at the end of a selection so at first glance on Instagram all you can see is men. I’m running because I want this club to show how inclusive and welcoming it is to both men and women, which I know it to be. 
I would also love to implement a new tradition of putting together a yearbook of sorts over the academic year available for purchase by boat club members (particularly in their last year) to keep as a nice memory. I oversaw the sixth form year book creation at my school last year so feel like I could do a good job with this.