Election post


I would like to have the ability to directly influence what happens in BASc - it's all about having a voice. I'd be more vocal and involved in obtaining the thoughts of all members in BASc, across year groups and Majors. 

Creating the sense of BASc community is key, since we are so spread out across the university. The events so far have been great, but I would try to do more casual events, at more timings, giving students more opportunities to meet other BAScers.

I'm a vocal person, and am prepared to speak my mind in a diplomatic manner. Because of this, I would take complaints, comments, or suggestions from the BASc community to the BASc department without hesitation, and try to have a productive discussion that brings about a fruitful conclusion.

I am not new to leadership positions in clubs, so previous experiences as Co-leaders of clubs have helped develop my organisational, teamwork, and logistical skills, which will be of great use in this position. 

I think things through, and when I commit to something, I commit fully. You can count on me to give this position the attention and effort it deserves.