Election post


Hi, I'm Amber. I study History and Politics of the Americas, and I'm running for Labour Society Welfare Officer.

Having been an active member of Labour for a few years now, I am well familiarised with the structure of the Labour Party, and want to serve it and the student body as best as I can. I have previously held the roles of Ethnic Minorities Officer in MidEssex Young Labour, and was Women's Officer in the exec. of my previous constintuency's Labour Party.

I therefore believe I am well equiped to take on the role of Welfare Officer of the Labour Society at UCL, by supporting the executive committee, organising socials, and regularly checking in on members' mental health, and how current politics and discourse around it is impacting their welfare.

I also aim to increase the Labour Society's presence and membership at UCL, reaching as many students as possible to create a more positive future for us all.

Thanks for reading, I hope I have your vote!