Election post


Hi! I am Bianne and I am running to be your Welfare & Communications Officer in the coming academic year.

As a fresher, I felt welcomed by the society and it is a place where I can relieve all my stress from the exhausting coursework and exams. Being a member of the society is my most memorable experience this year. I hope that Kpop Soc will also positively enhance your uni life, and so, all of your opinions and voices should be heard. I will do my best to provide a platform for everyone to say out what's in their mind. It can be anything, not limited to the society, since your mental health is also my top priority and I am willing to be your listener and supporter as I am friendly and approachable :) I believe my experience as a House vice-captain in my high school helps me with my organisation and communication skills, which is essential as a Welfare & Communications Officer as I have to keep track of everything that is happening in the society and give support to all other officers. And I hope I can make you smile :D during the week by writing cute, interesting mailers and answering all queries that you have.

Words are hard to express how Kpop Soc has shaped me, and by being your Welfare & Communications Officer, I hope I can continue to make Kpop Soc a welcoming and friendly place for all to dive into KPOP!